south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, May 11, 2015

Skype with Mitchell on Mothers Day - May 10 , 2015

We are thrilled as is every missionary family that we got to talk to our Elder on Mothers day.  Mitchell's email was short today because he had covered all of his weeks activity in our skype conversation.  I will quickly try to paraprase some of what he shared with us.  Mitchell confirmed that his visa expires and that his itinerary will be set soon for his return.  He will be leaving mission August 4 so will be flying into Utah on August 5 or 6.  Excited he will be home for school(SUU), and will most likely will be talking in church on August 9. MARK YOUR CALENDARS.  Mitchell will stay in his area- this week being transfers, but he will be getting a new companion.  He has really enjoyed his past companion but was optimistic about change.  He said the weather is getting a little colder, and non of the homes have heat to keep warm during winter months so people just wear a lot of layers.  He told us about doing service at an old folks home where they go sing.  He related several fun stories about the elderly people there.  He was optimistic about a few investigators they have, and are working hard with members to find more investigators.  When doing contacting at a shopping mall they where invited to come to a radio station and talk about the church - I post a few pictures he sent.  Mitchell was funny, and upbeat, but we could see a lot of spiritual maturity. He shared his testimony of the Doctrine and Covenants that he is re reading at this time.  He said how much he believed in Joseph  Smith and knew that he was a true prophet and he received revelation for the church.  He acted humble but also he came across to be confident and emotionally stable.  He said his area is very difficult.  He lives in a very affluent area where most are wealthy and white.  He jokingly said he was going to be all mixed up when he got home because they avoid talking to any whites, because they where usually rude, and had no interest in the gospel.  His ward is a very stable ward with mostly white members, and they are so good to the missionaries.  He has really been spoiled by the members in this area compared to all black areas he has served in prior to this.  Mitchell said he felt safe, but he said you have to be smart.  He said in his area there was no threat from the violence that happened a few weeks a go in a close township of Alexander with several xenophobia killings.  They have a car full time and he described some of the wild traffic in Jo-burg.  He talked about the insects and spiders they have.  He has another spider bite (4th or 5th he has had) but was on an antibiotic already.  He said it turns into a boil or large abscess  and then he can drain it after a few days. (semi - painful) He knows he is being watched over and protected. 

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