south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4, 2015

Dear Mom, 

Mom I miss spring in Utah and all the blossoms, and green but maybe not the birds.  It is always nice to just sit and enjoy nature. I feel like there isn't much of it around me being in a huge metropolis of a city. I guess in our flat complex, and out our back window we have a little garden, and it is nice to see the birds. But the birds aren't always pleasant. We have these birds called Hadeda (Know as the odd duck of South Africa)  that are just super annoying and loud. You asked if I can see the stars and if they looked different in the southern hemisphere. 
We do see the night sky! We can see the stars, but I really can't pick out the differences from back home, except I can't see the dippers! We have had a big full moon the last few nights, and I knew that you were seeing it as well. 

Well I am glad that finals are over, and that you can relax ha! I am sure that Blake is really relieved, and glad that he made it through. 

We did confirm them yesterday! Welhemina and Esther are now officially members of the Church. With converts we do have to wait for the following Sunday to confirm them. I guess that is the biggest thing that happened this week. 

 The week has been busy, but not very busy with teaching. We are desperately trying to find people. We have really been trying to work with the members to get referrals, but we haven't been getting any. We really don't have any other ways of finding here. We have stayed busy with contacting people in parks and shopping centers, but it has not been successful. Right now we have 1 family that is good. We haven't been able to see Jackie this last week because she has been really busy, so we are just hoping that we can see her this next week. She didn't come to church either. We did find one new family last week, and we met with them for the first time on Friday! They are a father led family, which is what we are always looking for. This is really an answer to our prayers. We found them as we were looking for inactive members. They live in the house that a member used to live in. There names are Smart, and Abibi. They have 2 little girls, and a third child on the way this month. They are black. 
We found Sanghyun the Korean man again this week! We got his phone number, so we hope we can contact him later this week. We have been waiting for him to call, but he hasn't yet.
I went on Exchanges this week with an elder from Spain. His name is elder De le Cruise. He is fun, and the exchange went good. He came with me here while Elder Jackson went to his area and did baptismal interviews. 
We have been cutting out a bamboo forest in Sister Masters backyard for her. We finally finished this week. As we were getting into the back corner of the yard, and with not many bamboo shoots left, we started to see a ton of spiders!! There were huge spiders in there, and we kept freaking out. One almost fell on my head!! As we cut the last one out a huge gray thing started running between our legs, and we were just screaming and jumping around!! It turns out it wasn't a huge spider, but just a rat. We were very relieved that it wasn't the mom spider. 

We also had a weird scare this week. We were helping one of our members move into our complex we live in. It is Aimen and his mom Sister Williams. We carried some heavy boxes in for her early in the morning, then we headed to our district meeting. She then went later that day to keep moving a few more things in, and I saw some guys that are after here.  They live there as well, and they saw her and just stopped talking. I guess her ex husband, and Aimens dad is some crazy Algerian guy. The guys there were some of his friends. She called us in a panic and told us we couldn't go back to our apartment. I guess she was scared if they saw us moving stuff in to her place they would try to get us and beat us up. But we called our mission security guy, and he said we should be fine. That happened earlier in the week, and we are still fine, we even said hi to the guys. But it was just kind of funny that we thought we couldn't go back to our apartment, and we thought someone would have to sneak in and move our stuff out. But we were just overreacting!!
Really that is all we have been up to this week. We have a little bit of success with inactive. We are still working on more that the ward has given us. We are hoping doing all this we can get new people to teach, or get referrals from the ward. We are also just trying to go around and find service in the community so people can see us out in the community. I guess I will tell you next week if we find any good service opportunities. 

Well I am good to skype. If you want 9 there that is 5 here?? But yeah we will definitely be skyping not just calling. We have a lot of members that have offered there homes to us. We are all set up for Sunday. Ashley emailed me the passwords and everything too. Excited to spend time talking to you. 

 I am feeling pretty good I guess. I do feel like I am trying to cherish every day. I sometimes feel like I am forcing myself to have a good attitude. I guess the work is hard, and I am getting sick of it sometimes. I am grateful though to be here. I am learning so much everyday, and whatever challenges I am going through are all worth it. I know that I am learning so much that is preparing me for the rest of my life!! I wouldn't trade my mission for anything! I am really just trying to push through these last 3 months. I am really trying not to count down, but to enjoy everyday. 

 I am getting your letters! I got two of them this last week, not sure of the dates, but I am getting them. I enjoy reading your letters, thank you, and I hope that my letter will get there. 

I love you and hope you have a wonderful week. I am constantly thinking about you, and praying for you. 

Your son

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