south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18, 2015

Dear Mom,

It has been a good week, and I feel that I have been really motivated from talking to you last week. I haven't felt homesick or anything. I think I have been excited more than anything!  Transfers were exciting, and I wasn't nervous at all. My new companion is Elder Asay. He is from Provo, Utah. He is 23, and has been on mission for 13 months. He is super fun, and we have already had a lot of fun together. I think I have been blessed with good companions. At my last interview with President he told me he would give me good companions to finish out. I have already seen that, and I am excited to serve with Elder Asay. He is from a big family, he is the youngest of 7 kids. He went to Mountain View, so the same high school as Alex and Levi, but he didn't know them. He graduated in 2010. 
I am glad you are getting more rain! You guys desperately need it it sounds like. I am sure it is weird to go from warm spring weather to rainy cold weather! That is sad to hear about Shasta! I hope that she is doing alright.  I am jealous about Calvin and Carson being out of school and headed into summer vacation.  I am jealous you are going to California. I just miss relaxing on vacations, and especially swimming! I just can't wait to swim! 

 It has been a good week. I guess just a normal one in Randburg. We are still teaching our normal people. The best ones right now we are teaching is Abibi and Smart. We are also teaching Abibi's sister, but she is about to move back home. We taught them the first vision, and about the book of mormon, and they really felt the spirit and loved it. We also got them to come to church, and I think  that they really enjoyed it. Jackie is still the same. She is still stuggling with smoking, and she keeps cancelling our appointments. She didn't make it to church yesterday either. I am sad because i know the gospel can bless her. I hope that she will come around this week. We also started teaching these young boys. The parents are members, but the kids haven't been baptized yet. The one is now 11, so he will have to be taught and stuff through the mission. They are a really cool family, and we taught them twice this last week. I guess we are still just trying to find new people to teach. We have a new method we have been trying. We go to stop lights and hand out book of Mormon pass a long cards. It is really cool, and people take the cards. I hope that something good will come out of it. I guess nothing else really exciting. 
We tried to help sister masters get rid of some of the bamboo we cut down. There is a huge pile in her backyard. We tried burning some of it, and we found out that bamboo doesn't burn very well. People always just have open burns here to get rid of stuff. That would be crazy if that happened back home. 
I guess something else I haven't really told you about is Load shedding. They cut peoples power because they don't have enough power supply. It is not just in town ships, but even in rich developed areas. We had that a few days this last week. They cut the power to the whole area for like 6 hours. it is super crazy.

Thank for all the pics! I don't recognize the family that President Dunn baptized. My bite is great. It has basically completely healed. There is still a red mark that I am sure will go away. I am pretty sure it was a spider bite because the skin started to fall away. I finished the antibiotic on like Thursday or something. But it is great, and not a worry anymore. 

Today we are maybe going to some caves to hike or something, so that is fun foe p-day.  I will get some good pictures of that. I hope you have a great week, and that all continues to go well. I know the work I am doing is truly the Lords work, and he is constantly watching over me. 

Your Son

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