south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, January 19, 2015

Week 69 - January 17, 15

Dear Mom 
Well it has been a great week, it really has flown by for me. I think as I get more adjusted to a new area time just begins to fly by. I think every transfer just goes faster and faster as well. I am now on my 12th transfer, so I think it will go pretty fast. I have already been here in Randburg for 2 weeks.  The area is a town. That is the best way to describe it. The work here is pretty slow I guess. We don't see nearly as many people as I used to teach in my past area's that were township. It is a fairly wealthy area which is different than my other areas.  Especially Sandton city. They call Sandton the richest square mile in Africa. There are some really nice sky scrappers there, and cool places to go. There is like a Huge mall, and a Mandela Square. It is like a place commemorating Nelson Mandela. 

We have a really great ward. Most of the members here are white. We even have an American Family, and he is a consulate at the US embassy that is in Sandton. We get fed a ton, which I have never had. Like last week we got fed 8 times. I hope I don't get fat again haha!! The ward also really is great helping us with missionary work. We get a lot of referrals from the members. The work is still slower, so we don't have a ton of investigators right now. We  have two good investigators. We have one named jackie. She is the mother of a young boy Nathan who is twelve. He is a member. She already knows a ton about the church, and has been taught forever. the only problem she has is smoking. She just barely overcame drinking which she has been doing like her whole life. She is somewhere in here forties. She is also white. 
We also have Thoko. She lives with a member. She also really loves the gospel, and she is great to teach. She is black, and somewhere in her twenties. We are going to try and put both of them on date for next Month. 

Elder Peterson is awesome. I guess he is a quiet kid though like I said, but he loves talking to me, but to others he is quiet. He plays the piano, and he is pretty good at that. He is a really great kid, and I really don't have any problems or complains with him. I will get you a picture of us. 

It sounds like it has been a great week. I will look at the pictures you put on. I am sure it was fun to spend time together for the birthdays. I am sure Blake still appreciated what you did for his birthday. I do see the pictures you put on every week, so thank you. It is fun to see pictures of things you are doing. Again I need to take more pictures. 

That is exciting that Robert's family bought a lot. I am sure they are excited to break ground this next spring. Levi actually emailed me and told me about his threesome and his South African companion. That is cool that he speaks Afrikaans. 

Well it sounds like the swimming is going great. That is cool that Calvin is doing so well in Breaststroke as well. I guess he will have to decide which events he swims at State. that is coming up soon actually. That is too bad that dad had to spend all day at a funeral service, but I am sure the family really appreciated it. Dad is a great guy to give of his time. 

I am glad that dad made his flights safely. That seems a bit scary flying through the smog and clouds. I am sure you were really scared for him. 

I am sure Marshall appreciated your package. He seems to be doing really well. I hope that his family is still doing well. .

I guess some other cool things this week. We went and taught a bunch of little orphans this week at an orphanage. It was really fun. We were in downtown Jo-burg, which was a bit scary. Jo-burg is a really scary place. It is just overrun by the blacks. Especially after apartheid it was taken over, and it just hasn't been taken care of. It is a really dirty place. It was sad because it looks like it used to be a really nice city. We also had a sports night with our ward, so we just messed around with them and played sports with mostly the young men and there dads. 

Also do you know President Crankshaw that is in the university stake?? I guess his brother is in my ward. I have not met him yet, but a lot of members have told me that he lives there. I recognize his name. Not sure if I spelled the name right. 

Anne Nelson also is Elder Peterson's mom. She went to Cedar High school and she was born in 63, so probably in Dads class. Do you know her???

I am being watched over and protected. I am definitely feeling the peace of the gospel, and seeking out those that are looking for the gospel. I hope that all continues to go well back home, and that you also can feel comfort and peace, and know I am doing well. I love you and hope you have a great week.

Your Son

Elder Brown

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