south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week 67 - January 5, 2015

Dear Mom,

I am pretty relieved to have the Christmas time over. It is nice to
have the work slow down a bit and just relax over the Holidays, but it
is much better to be working hard. I remember when I was home I hated having the Christmas holiday end. It meant going back to school for a really long time without any breaks. I am sure that is why Blake is dreading going back to school. Hopefully he can get back into it. I am glad I am not worrying about that right now! It has been a good week. The teaching was still slow, but we had fun on New Years!

The big news is I am getting transferred to a new area tomorrow. I
have been packing my things last night and this morning. I am excited
and sad to get transferred. I had to go around and say goodbye to
members, and it is always sad. This is the area were I think i have
become the closest with members. I don't know yet where I am going, or who my new companion will be. I will let you know all of that next

Yeah the Christmas breakfast and activity was really fun, and they had
it very well planned!! They did so much fun stuff for us, I appreciate all that was done for us The chapel where we celebrated Christmas is right by the MTC. The MTC, Mission office,  and a CES building are all on the same lot of land. It is probably like 30 minutes from the temple though.

I will have to check out the pictures from her blog. Sister Dunn seems very good with her blog to get some good pictures and keep people updated. I am sure you appreciate that a lot. 
We went to a Casino on NewYears day, that is the picture by the statue David. Yeah having the new year start, I can now say I come home this year. It is super nice to think I come home in 7 months. It is still a
while, but it will go very fast. I am glad that it has given you
motivation for things. I hope that you can start completing your
goals. I also have a few goals that I am trying to complete. I also
want to read the Book of Mormon at least one more time, maybe 2. I want to just work hard the next 7 months and finish strong. 

 Our church time has not changed with the new year,  there is only one ward in the building. Most of the buildings only have one ward in the building.
That is cool that Mark Webster is in the Bishopric now. I really like Mark alot. He was an awesome Priest leader, and I had a lot of fun with him. I am sure he will do a great job. Brother Gudmunson is a great guy as well.
On New Years we were supposed to be in at
6 pm on New Years Eve, and we didn't go out on New Years Day. New
Years Eve we came back to our flat and had a braai with Elder Pius and
Harmons. We stayed up just chilling outside because it was really nice
summer night weather, and waited until midnight. We then set off
fireworks, and it was a lot of fun. I did find some good fireworks,
but they ripped me off this year. Last year they were a lot cheaper.
On New Years Day we just kind of slept in, and were a bit lazy. Around about 12 we went to the Bedfordview Chapel and played sports against another zone. There were about 30 of us there, and it was a
lot of fun. I got pretty sunburned!! Then we showered
and went to the casino to eat. That is were I took the pictures by

Yeah I am sure the work will start picking up a lot soon. With the new
year people really have a desire to change and find some kind of
religion, so it makes our job easy. I hope that Vosloorus can pick
back up even though I am leaving. It is a great area, and it has a lot
of potential.

That is cool you got to help with the wedding so much. You are a great
Sister, and I am sure that Laurie really appreciated your help and
support. That is really cool that the twins are now home from there
missions. I am sure the family was really happy to have them home. I
hope it didn't make you sad that I am not home yet. It sounds like the
wedding was a great adventure that I missed out on. I am sure that it
was a lot of fun.

It sounds like dad had a lot of fun flying people around. I bet that
was really fun for Evan, and then the cousins. I hope that dad is
still enjoying this hobby of flying.

That is sweet that you and Carson went up skiing together. I hope that
you had fun. It sounds like it has been really cold lately. I think i
will die next winter. My body had adjusted to the warm climate. To bad
dad didn't go with you, but I am sure he enjoyed getting some things

I am sorry that this week entitles a lot of cleaning up. I am sure you
are not happy to be teaching lessons again. I hope that you are not
too overwhelmed this next week, and you can get everything completed.
I will have to look for that song. It sounds like a great song. I
really love the Childrens Song Book. All the songs are so touching,
and they really remind me of you. I am grateful for your testimony
through music. I know how much you love music, and the effect it has
had on your testimony. I am glad you have also given me this love and
testimony of music.

That is cool that those missionaries responded to you. You will have
to tell them hello back from me. Especially Alex Jolley! What is his
email Address???

Well thank you for the encouragement. Working hard has really been one of my biggest goals this next year, especially as the new year has
started. It really makes the time go much quicker as well. Well I am
so grateful again for you support and love. I hope you continue to
stay happy and healthy. Have a good week.

Elder Brown

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