south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3, 14 - Week 24

Dear Mom and Dad
I always look forward to Mondays because I get to email, and I get a day off.  I have been receiving your letters. I think the mail strike is over now. I might not have gotten a few of them, but I am not sure. I will continue to try and write letters to you.     Your package, it was an awesome surprise. Loved the dew and hi chews. Thank you so much!!!!!! The dew was just fine. I have been trying to save them. It is so good to have a real mountain dew after the ones they have here. I have been sharing the Hi chews, with Elder Robins but not the mountain dew!! haha
 That is kind of crazy about the new stake president in student married stake. That is really cool that dad was able to receive that inspiration about those who would be called.  I hope that Dad and stake presidency won't have too hard of a time finding new bishops, and they will be guided so it can happen quickly.Our new bishop has been doing great. He has been keeping the ward together great. We still don't have a ton of association with our ward. We have been trying to have more member lessons, and hopefully it will work out to get us closer to the ward. We do have a ward mission leader, and I think that he will be helping us a lot more now. We had a correlation meeting with him yesterday, and also the stake high councilor that is over missionary work was there too. We really need our ward to step up in helping with reactivations because it is much better when members visit them to reactivate them. Refilwe, who we baptized 2 months ago, is doing well, She didn't come to church for a few week because of something with family, but she came yesterday. We normally meet her twice a week, and she is continuing to learn.
Mom, I am sorry to hear about your cast. That really sucks that you have to have a cast on your feet. I hope that you can heal quickly.  I hope you can sleep well. I am glad you can still drive. You can probably floor it easier with a rubber shoe. I glad string festival is over.  I know what a huge stress that is on you.  It is scary to perform but those performances helped me to handle stress and be able to be in front of people.  I look back as that being a good learning experience.  
 Well I have been feeling much better.  No more upset stomach or cramps. I have tried changing up my diet, and I really think it has helped. I haven't eaten any more chicken feet, and I probably never will again.  You asked about insects and mosquitoes.  The only bugs that are a nuisance are mosquito’s. They are in our flat at night, but we have to have the windows open or it gets really hot.  No bugs expect mosquitoes. We never have them during the day, just at night. I might have to get a mosquito net to sleep under. Well the weather has been getting cooler. It has been rainy the last two days, and it has been really nice. At night it is getting a bit chilly, and it is really nice to open windows at night. That is really weird to have the weather like that in Cedar.  I am sorry you have no snow and that your seasons are mixed up.  I am still thinking you have a few feet of snow right now.  Hope you get moisture so you will not have to truck water to the sheep this summer.  Sorry I will not be there to drive the water truck up and down the mountain.
 It gets dark around like 7 or something like that here in Jo-burg.  We normally don't walk around at all when it is dark, unless we have to. We are normally pretty safe. It is weird to think it is already time for day lights saving again, It is hard for me to think that you are just opposite of us going into spring and summer and we are going to autumn. 
This week our teaching went about the same. We have been teaching Tony and Collin this week. Collin is really promising investigator, and I know he will be baptized on the 16th of March. Tony we are still working with. I have been teaching him since like November. His mom is a less active member, so get him coming to church we need to get her back. We traveled to Jo-burg for conference and went to lunch at a high rise.  I took some pictures from the high rise in Jo-burg.  I also took a picture of a laser I bought and a $9 watch. 
 That is cool that Jessica Nakken is going on a mission.  That would be difficult to think you left the middle of April and be asked to report this week over a month early.  I wonder how many girls in my grade will go on mission because the age change. Sorry to hear a bout Alainey Carter coming home from mission.  Alainey and Ryan Corry  were dating before she left. That isn't too much of a surprise they are together.
 It sounds like it was a really good week. That is really exciting about the Cedar basketball team. For years we have gotten really close to winning, but they haven't.  That is good that water polo is doing well. Exciting news about Dusty Hones winning the state champion in wrestling.  He is really good and deserves it, because he works hard.
 Well thanks for your support. I am doing well. Sorry for the short email. I’m doing well I still have others to email, so sorry to cut it short. I love you.
 Love  Elder Brown

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