south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 14 - Week 23

Dear Family and Friends
I am doing great. This week has been pretty good.  We have continued to stay busy. We are still teaching some great investigators. One is named Collin, and he is really promising. He will probably be baptized in a few weeks. I am really enjoying the work, even though it is very hard sometimes. I do get discouraged sometimes, but then I remember why I am here.

Thank you for your support. It really helps me get through the days. Thank you for your testimony. I know you have always had a strong testimony, and it has been a great strength to me. I am so grateful for your example of a testimony to me. I have already noticed things getting easier as time goes by. I will be at my 6 month mark on March 17th, so it is coming up really fast. The month of February is gone. time is very weird. It goes very fast and very slow at the same time. 

I hope that Stake conference went well. It sounds like it was a busy two days with a general authority. I hope that your talk went well, I am sure it did. I had to give a talk yesterday, and they told me on Saturday night. I stayed up preparing tell midnight, and I hope it went well. 

I did get the package finally. Everything inside was well. I got the books, and they were not damaged. I have not heard much about the postal strike.  I hope this was a good sign that I got your package and hope to get more of the mail I have not received for the past month.  You asked about transfers and transfers are on March 17th. I still have a few week here with Elder Robins. It will be hard to leave him, I really enjoy him as my companion.

 I am glad you liked the photos I sent. You asked who was in them, they were all just random kids mostly. The man in the picture is one of our members. Three of the little girls were his little sister, and niece. I told you I had been sick but I have been much better. I think it is just something I was eating. I am trying to eat much healthier. It was just a one day thing, I think from something a member had fed us. We are constantly trying to find new people. It is fun to just tract into homes, and just go in and teach. 
Wow that sounds like a very eventful week. That is exciting that Randall is Engaged. That seems a bit weird, but very exciting. You will have to let me know more about Katrina. That is exciting that Calvin continues to better his swim times. I remember swimming at senior state, and there were some really fast swimmers. I really miss swimming, and I can't wait again to race. 
I love you very much. Thank you for the emails. Sorry I was so short in responding today. I love you and I hope you have a great week. 
Elder Mitchell Brown

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