south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 9, 2014 - Week 25

Dear Mom,
 Well this week has gone well. We have a zone activity today, so I am not emailing for long, so sorry if my responses are short. This week has been good, but it has rained all week. This has slowed the work a lot. Most of our lessons have canceled, and so we didn't have many lessons. 
One of our best investigators names is Collin. We are trying to get him ready to be baptized this next Sunday. He has been progressing really fast. Every lesson we teach, it is him teaching us. He really understands, and he is ready to be baptized. He has some great friends in the church, so he will stay active I hope. It is really fun to teach him because he really understands what we are teaching. He really believes in the gospel and has a strong testimony.
 You asked about Kruger National Park. It is a big reserve with safari that you can go on. I really want to go to Kruger, so it will probably happen later in mission. It is pretty far north, so it won't happen tell later. I had not heard about all the flooding there. We have had a lot of rain this last week. It has been raining since last Saturday, so a little over a week. Like I said at first it has really slowed down the work. I think it might also be rainy this next week.
 Cannot believe I have been out 6 months.  Thanks for thinking of my birthday, in a month. Well you can just send some fun things, and then just money in my account because it is much easier to just buy myself things. I am a bit nervous about leaving my first area, but I am super excited in some ways to finally leave this area. I have spent a fourth of my mission here. I am a bit nervous to get a new companion because I have really loved being with Elder Robins. I think I will definitely be leaving Hospital View, but something could happen and I could stay. 

You asked about sister missionaries,  there are no sister missionaries here because it is dangerous, and I guess a while back some of them got kidnapped. There are a few couple missionaries that are here.You asked about our visit to down town J-burg.  We were in a high rise, I think it was Carlton Centre. WE went there for Elder Raymonds birthday. It was pretty fun. Well I have bought a few things. I got a hard drive to save things on, and then a wooden watch.  When I went to that hi rise building it was all black people and it was a scary part of town. I am glad you liked the pictures. 
 I love you, and am doing well. 
Transfers are on the 17th of March.
 Well I love you and tell the family hello. I didn't have time to email anyone else back. I love you and have a great week. 

Your son

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