south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17, 2014 - 6 MONTHS

Dear Mom,
Well this week has gone well. It has been weird preparing myself for transfers, and a new companion and area. Being the last week before transfers we did some fun things. Elder Robins, elder Raymond, elder Saunders, and I went to the driving range and hit some golf balls. That was pretty fun.  I have been in my area for 4 transfers, which is 6 months. I am leaving my area for sure, and right now I am not going to train another missionary.  It is definitely hard to leave this area. I have served here my whole mission, and have become attached to a few members. The last few days I have gone around and said good bye to some of the members and had them sign my journal. It just seems weird to move because I haven't changed area's before. I am a bit sad to leave some investigators, but a lot of our investigators have just been jokers, and we only have a few serious investigators. We did not end up having our baptism yesterday because our investigator wasn't quite ready. I am disappointed because I will not be here for his baptism.  Because of our Stake Conference next week, he will not be baptized until March 30.  He still needed to be taught a few more lessons. We weren't able to meet with him earlier in the week, so it messed up our schedule. With convert baptisms we do them on Sunday because it is easier to just do it after church and ask members to stay so more people are in attendance. 
 Well it sounds like you had a good time in Salt Lake at the Dental Meetings! I hope you didn't spent too much time and money in Ti-Pan!! haha. The weather has improved this week, and it hasn't been raining as much. There were still a few days that it rained on us. It has still got hot a few days, and I remembered I am still in Africa. But I think it will start to cool off soon. I am sorry to hear that you are receiving no moisture. I am sure it is not good for the summer, and it won't be good for water levels. 
 Thanks for thinking of my birthday.  I cannot think of anything I need. I like American candy because they do not have same candy here.  So for our birthdays we can get permission to do things fun. So we were able to leave our zone and go to Johannesburg to do something fun for Elder Raymond Birthday. That is when we went up in the high rise in downtown J0-Burg. You asked about money for my birthday and if I had been doing ok on money. I have been budgeting pretty well. I normally just use my card when we go do fun things that cost more.  I have been doing pretty well with food. I know I need to watch what I eat and try to eat healthy especially because I am not swimming so I can't eat whatever I want.
 I miss you a lot also. I know that I am doing the right thing. I have received many conformations that what I am doing is the right thing. It is not easy at all though. There are many days I think why am I here, It would have been much easier to just stay home. But I see how much I have grown already in six months, and I can't even imagine how much I will grow the next year and a half. I do enjoy teaching the gospel a lot. I love to see it change people. It has just been hard because we haven't been teaching many serious people, so I haven't been able to see the gospel changing people. I know as time goes on more success will come. Thank you for all of your encouragement. I can see how much we all need the gospel in our lives. I have realized that so much being out here. I really appreciate your support, and it really does help me. I hope that you have a good week. Tell everyone else I said Hi, and I love them. I will let you know who my new companion is, and my new area next week. 
 Elder Mitchell Brown

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