south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014 - week 16

Dear Family and Friends
This past week has been another Holiday week. We didn't go to the area on Tuesday or Wednesday. We had new years with the other missionaries. We stayed with them until midnight, and celebrated the New Year. On the first we had a braii(barbeque) with the other missionaries also. This was pretty fun. We got back to work on Thursday, but it was still really slow in the area with everyone being gone. On Friday we went to the temple as a Zone. It was awesome to go to the temple, and it strengthens me every time I go. I am so grateful for the temple.

The last few days have still been really slow in the work. Most people are not back from Holiday yet, so even tracking to find new people isn't very effective. I hope this next week will speed up a bit. Church went well yesterday. We had a lot of people come because it was the New Year. Our chapel was pretty full, and I think there were over 100 people. 

 Training my companion has been going very well so far. Elder Robins just seems like an equal missionary to me. I don't know if he has learned much in the last 2 weeks with all the holidays because we haven't had too many lessons. I hope he will pick up the teaching quick as we go into the next few weeks.
You asked about disease here.  There are a lot of cases of Aids here. I think everyone here knows someone that has died of aids, or that has aids. I think it is a big problem here right now. It doesn't seem like there a lot of other huge diseases around that I have heard of. I have been keeping really healthy. I have not been sick since I have been here. Most missionaries deal with stomach upset and diarrhea, but I have not.  I am keeping pretty healthy. 

It is still weird to think that I am half way around the world. I can't really comprehend it either. It still seems like I am in like California somewhere. I have had to put my trust in the Lord also. I know I am being watched over, and protected. I have to rely on the Lord so much. I know he is also watching over you and the family as I pray for you everyday. I hope you can continue to be comforted. Know I am well, and I know I am doing the right thing. I love you very much, and miss you. 
Elder Mitchell Brown

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