south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27, 2014 - Week 19

Dear family and friends
Well it is really good to hear from you. Speaking of homesickness I have been doing awesome. I haven't ever really been too homesick. I do think hitting the 4 month mark, the worst of that is over.   I have been out  a long enough time it just seems normal now. I still miss home a lot, and the things I used to do. I just miss little things about our country also, and it has made me really grateful for where I come from.
 It is still really hot here and normally just dry. It does get pretty humid maybe 2 days out of the week. This is when it gets all cloudy and looks like it is going to rain, but it doesn't, and it just gets really humid. It does cool off normally at night, but we cant open our windows in the flat, or we just get eaten by mosquitoes. 
Elder Robins is doing really great, and been easy to train. He is really adjusting to mission life well.  He has been doing great in teaching. I have kind of pushed him into it, and he has been doing awesome. He has been leading lessons, and teaching about half of the lessons. I am going to be with him I think 7 more weeks.

Well we have still been struggling to find people. But the great news is we had a baptism yesterday. I got to baptize Refilwe. We have been teaching her for a long time. I think I told you about her a little in one of my letters. We have been teaching her a lot. She is single with 2 little girls. Her younger brother is a recent convert, and I have been teaching her since November. She was finally ready. It was a really cool experience. I was the one who baptized her. When I brought her up out of the water she started to cry I think, and I could tell how strong she felt the spirit. She will receive the Holy Ghost next week in sacrament. 
We are also teaching one other girl that is going to be baptized next month hopefully. Her name is Kgomotso. She is single, and about 22 years old.  We are trying to find father led families. These are families that have a father in the home.
Thank you so much for the support. Every week your emails uplift me, and it is just fun to hear about home, and how everyone is doing. I got a few letters this week including the one that had all the letters from the boys. It was really fun to get all there letters, and to just see how they are doing.  Thank you for your good example. I love you and miss you everyday.

Elder Mitchell Brown

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