south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Thursday, January 2, 2014

December 29, 2013-Week 15

Dear Family                        
Well speaking to you on Christmas was very very fun! I had a wonderful time speaking to the family. I was amazed that I didn't even get homesick or sad and depressed. It was fun to see everyone, and I was amazed at how well I could see all of you. I am glad that we were all able to laugh and joke with each other, and it really made me happy. I wasn't putting on an act at all; I really was happy and positive.
Don't worry about any of the questions you asked. I wasn't embarrassed at all. They were all questions that I had when I first got here. I hope that I answered some of them, and I will try to now. The member didn't think any of the questions were cutting, and he understands.  The port-a-potties in the squatter camps I'm not sure about. I have no idea if they are even cleaned. They look pretty nasty, and I would never use one. They stink pretty badly every time we drive or walk buy, so I'm guessing that they don't get cleaned. The people that live in the squatter camps I think have jobs. Most people around have jobs, and I’m not sure if anyone gets government assistance.

I am glad that you received the Christmas card with letters. I thought it would be something nice to send. I took time on P-day a few weeks back to write letters, and it really wasn't too much time. I am glad that the boys enjoyed them, and I hope Ashley enjoyed it over the phone.  I am so glad that you have been sending letters, and I really enjoy reading them almost every week. Your letters have really given me great support, and helped me through.  Tell everyone thanks for Christmas letters and messages the ornaments have been great.  My wall is covered.  Thank you!!!  The internet café where I am will has slow service so I can not down load pictures so I will try to send a picture next week.
People aren't really returning to their homes and will not get back until after new years. It has been hard the past few days to teach anyone. None of the people we normally teach are around. We went out on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. These three days we had like 2 lessons a day maybe. It was hard. We went tracking, but still didn't really find anyone home. Thank you for the encouragement. I know we just need to keep our heads up even though these days are hard, and just remember we are planting seeds for future missionaries.
One thing fun we did is on Friday we went to a Buffet with a bunch of missionaries. We went to Emperors Palace, which is a big casino like Ceasers, and ate at a nice buffet. This was really cool, and it felt like we were back in Vegas.

We will not proselyte Tuesday (New Years Eve), or on Wednesday (New Years Day). The reason for this is all the people are still drunk. We are going to do things with other missionaries in our district. Elder Raymond from Australia, and Elder Ellison from Chicago have been really fun to hang out with over the Holidays. There might be fireworks in Kempton Park where we stay, so we might watch those on New Years Eve. 

You asked about our ward. We attend the same ward every Sunday. We teach a class of investigators every Sunday. So I teach every third Sunday. Elder Robins takes a turn, and our ward mission leader takes a turn. Our ward is doing OK, but yesterday with the Holidays we only had like 30 people there. This was a bit disappointing. I think as the New Year starts we will see a whole lot of improvement with our ward and our area. Our new bishop is away on holiday right now, so we haven't worked much with him yet.
I have been doing very well lately with homesickness. Like I mentioned before as I am now training and responsible I feel more like this is real. I have gotten into the routine of things, and it all feels normal now. I hope I can help Elder Robins through his homesickness now that I have got though mine.
It is good to hear from you. Thank you so much for your encouragement and your support. It really strengthens me every Monday when I read your emails. I am still very happy about Skyping you and the family. It really uplifted me and gave me strength. I think one thing that helped was everything is still the same there. Everyone is doing well, and not too much has changed. I love you, and thanks for your continued support. 
Elder Mitchell Brown

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