south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 14 - week 17

Dear friends and family

Well this past week has been a bit better than the past few. People are returning home after being gone for the holidays.   We have had a full week of missionary work. We still had a bit of a slow week because there are still people gone.  I am concerned for our area. The investigators we have are starting to fall through. We have been tracting and finding new people, but haven't had much success in finding people that want to listen. I know if we keep trying we will find more people that want to hear about the gospel.
 Every person I have taught so far does have a christian back ground. They all know about Jesus Christ, and know about the Bible. I think it feels like we are teaching children because of the language barrier. It is hard for them to understand what we mean. But it has been getting much easier as time goes on. I have gotten pretty good at simplifying the lessons to there needs. I have received both of the letters you mentioned. I really appreciate the letters, and I am getting one every week I think, or even 2 or 3. I love receiving letters that I can keep and read. I have sent a few, and hope you will receive them. The zone leaders go to the mission office every week on Thursdays to get mail, and maybe a meeting or something. We come in contact with the other missionaries quit a few times during the week. Every Friday we have district meeting with the 4 other missionaries in our district, then we go eat with our zone a lot after, so like 14 other missionaries. Elder Robins and I are the only missionaries in our ward right now. I have realized that with less actives that it is not our job, but is up to there agency. I know I can not get discouraged. We are trying to start working more with the less actives as this new year starts.   I hope we can help people realize that the gospel is important in their lives.  Well I have been doing pretty well. There are days when our schedule isn't very full, and we don't know what to do that it gets a bit discouraging. I have found though that as long as I am out in the area and not just sitting around at the flat that I am more positive and upbeat, and I know the Lord is comforting me as I am out trying to work. We are receiving support from our ward normally. We have a ward mission leader that we work with pretty regularly. His name is Lehlonolo, or Jazz. He is like 21 and preparing to go on mission. He is an awesome guy, and he has been a great help to us lately. We do get fed in our ward like once a week, but other than that the ward isn't doing a ton. 
The weather here has been really really hot. The last week has been really bad. Probably in the mid 90's or something. It has been really hot wearing a collar and tie. When we go into shacks to teach they are basically like ovens in the sun, so we are getting cooked a little bit. January and February are supposed to be the hottest months here.  I have been missing swimming and water a whole lot. As the temperatures are really hot it makes me want to jump in a lake. I have missed swimming a lot. I have been trying to work out with weights and run, but it doesn't seem to be as good of a work out as swimming was. I am staying fit still, and I think healthy. 
I have missed home a lot lately, but I have found comfort in the work I am doing. I also have my world clock set on my watch to home, and occasionally I look at the time back home, and it is really weird to think that the time is so different. Well I love you so much, and I think about you and pray for you often.  Thank you for your support
Elder Mitchell Brown

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