south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, January 27, 2014

Thank You for all the Christmas messages

Baptism - January 26, 2014

January 27, 2014 - Week 19

Dear family and friends
Well it is really good to hear from you. Speaking of homesickness I have been doing awesome. I haven't ever really been too homesick. I do think hitting the 4 month mark, the worst of that is over.   I have been out  a long enough time it just seems normal now. I still miss home a lot, and the things I used to do. I just miss little things about our country also, and it has made me really grateful for where I come from.
 It is still really hot here and normally just dry. It does get pretty humid maybe 2 days out of the week. This is when it gets all cloudy and looks like it is going to rain, but it doesn't, and it just gets really humid. It does cool off normally at night, but we cant open our windows in the flat, or we just get eaten by mosquitoes. 
Elder Robins is doing really great, and been easy to train. He is really adjusting to mission life well.  He has been doing great in teaching. I have kind of pushed him into it, and he has been doing awesome. He has been leading lessons, and teaching about half of the lessons. I am going to be with him I think 7 more weeks.

Well we have still been struggling to find people. But the great news is we had a baptism yesterday. I got to baptize Refilwe. We have been teaching her for a long time. I think I told you about her a little in one of my letters. We have been teaching her a lot. She is single with 2 little girls. Her younger brother is a recent convert, and I have been teaching her since November. She was finally ready. It was a really cool experience. I was the one who baptized her. When I brought her up out of the water she started to cry I think, and I could tell how strong she felt the spirit. She will receive the Holy Ghost next week in sacrament. 
We are also teaching one other girl that is going to be baptized next month hopefully. Her name is Kgomotso. She is single, and about 22 years old.  We are trying to find father led families. These are families that have a father in the home.
Thank you so much for the support. Every week your emails uplift me, and it is just fun to hear about home, and how everyone is doing. I got a few letters this week including the one that had all the letters from the boys. It was really fun to get all there letters, and to just see how they are doing.  Thank you for your good example. I love you and miss you everyday.

Elder Mitchell Brown

January 20,2014 - Week 18

Well another week has gone by. This past week I received the chex-mix package. Thank you for your letters also. I really enjoy receiving your letters, and the support you give me in them. I will try to send a letter this week because it has been 2 week I think since the last one I sent.  Thank you for the quote from your lesson we had the same one in priesthood yesterday.  I know that I receive peace and comfort everyday from the atonement of Christ. I know without him I wouldn't be able to stay another day. 

This week was much better than the past weeks. We had over 20 lessons, and most of our days were full. It was great to have full days because the time went much faster. When we have people cancel, or don't have people scheduled we normally try to tract or find people. This hasn't been too effective in our area, but we are still trying. We have instead been trying to focus on the people we have, and on our ward. We are trying to visit less actives, and to reactivate them, and get referrals from them. Referrals are much more reliable than just finding random people. We also visit other investigators and set up times to come see them. 

The weather is still very hot here. This week especially has been extremely hot. Elder Robins has a thermometer on his watch, and one day we were at around 96-98. It was really hot. The clothes I have are working great. I actually have bought a few pair of mess garments from the distribution center when we went to the temple a few weeks back. So yes we do have a distribution center. 
I’m sorry your so dry and have no snow, because you need the water. If you don't get snow Lake Powell is going to be very low, and you won't be able to get through castle rock pass. I hope that in February and March you will get some snow. 
Sorry I have not sent any pictures. My SD card is being weird as I plug it into the computer, so I will try to figure out what is wrong with it. I don't need another SD card. I got that one from you in my package this week. I will look at the pictures you put on. Speaking of Blake and his birthday I tried to send him an email, but it didn't sent because it said his address was invalid. Will you tell him Happy Birthday form me, and send me his email address. I am glad you had fun as a family, and that you were able to take him out to dinner for his birthday. 

It was fun to hear what Gary Clark said about mission. That sounds like Jo-burg area where those guys lived that Gary baptized. Neat that he got to see them in the States. And I understand them wanting to move to the states.  Everyone has huge fences and gates, and security. It is a bit weird, and a whole lot different that home where you can walk right up to everyone's front door. I do feel very safe though, and I know I am being watched over. I hope that you can heel ok, and that your back and ankle aren't hurting at the same time. 
I am doing very well with Elder Robins. We are basically like best friends. We get a long really well. He reminds me a bit of Marshall, and so it is really easy to get a long with him. He is doing very well in teaching. He catching on really fast, and he is participating in lessons already. He is doing very well with teaching, and I think he is copping very well with life. 

I doing well, and I'm sure things will continue to get better. I know that we will be blessed in our area as long as we are obedient and faithful. I also know that you and the family are being watched over. I have been really worried about A. I have been emailing him, and he is signed up to join the Navy. I don't know what else he is really doing. He says this will take over his life, and I hope he doesn't completely forget the church. I hope that the family is doing well. Tell everyone Hi for me, and the I miss them and love them. Thank you mom for all your support and love you show to me. I am truly blessed with amazing parents, and a wonderful loving family. I love you, and have a good week. 
Elder Mitchell Brown

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 14 - week 17

Dear friends and family

Well this past week has been a bit better than the past few. People are returning home after being gone for the holidays.   We have had a full week of missionary work. We still had a bit of a slow week because there are still people gone.  I am concerned for our area. The investigators we have are starting to fall through. We have been tracting and finding new people, but haven't had much success in finding people that want to listen. I know if we keep trying we will find more people that want to hear about the gospel.
 Every person I have taught so far does have a christian back ground. They all know about Jesus Christ, and know about the Bible. I think it feels like we are teaching children because of the language barrier. It is hard for them to understand what we mean. But it has been getting much easier as time goes on. I have gotten pretty good at simplifying the lessons to there needs. I have received both of the letters you mentioned. I really appreciate the letters, and I am getting one every week I think, or even 2 or 3. I love receiving letters that I can keep and read. I have sent a few, and hope you will receive them. The zone leaders go to the mission office every week on Thursdays to get mail, and maybe a meeting or something. We come in contact with the other missionaries quit a few times during the week. Every Friday we have district meeting with the 4 other missionaries in our district, then we go eat with our zone a lot after, so like 14 other missionaries. Elder Robins and I are the only missionaries in our ward right now. I have realized that with less actives that it is not our job, but is up to there agency. I know I can not get discouraged. We are trying to start working more with the less actives as this new year starts.   I hope we can help people realize that the gospel is important in their lives.  Well I have been doing pretty well. There are days when our schedule isn't very full, and we don't know what to do that it gets a bit discouraging. I have found though that as long as I am out in the area and not just sitting around at the flat that I am more positive and upbeat, and I know the Lord is comforting me as I am out trying to work. We are receiving support from our ward normally. We have a ward mission leader that we work with pretty regularly. His name is Lehlonolo, or Jazz. He is like 21 and preparing to go on mission. He is an awesome guy, and he has been a great help to us lately. We do get fed in our ward like once a week, but other than that the ward isn't doing a ton. 
The weather here has been really really hot. The last week has been really bad. Probably in the mid 90's or something. It has been really hot wearing a collar and tie. When we go into shacks to teach they are basically like ovens in the sun, so we are getting cooked a little bit. January and February are supposed to be the hottest months here.  I have been missing swimming and water a whole lot. As the temperatures are really hot it makes me want to jump in a lake. I have missed swimming a lot. I have been trying to work out with weights and run, but it doesn't seem to be as good of a work out as swimming was. I am staying fit still, and I think healthy. 
I have missed home a lot lately, but I have found comfort in the work I am doing. I also have my world clock set on my watch to home, and occasionally I look at the time back home, and it is really weird to think that the time is so different. Well I love you so much, and I think about you and pray for you often.  Thank you for your support
Elder Mitchell Brown

Monday, January 6, 2014

Johannesburg Temple - January 4, 2014

January 6, 2014 - week 16

Dear Family and Friends
This past week has been another Holiday week. We didn't go to the area on Tuesday or Wednesday. We had new years with the other missionaries. We stayed with them until midnight, and celebrated the New Year. On the first we had a braii(barbeque) with the other missionaries also. This was pretty fun. We got back to work on Thursday, but it was still really slow in the area with everyone being gone. On Friday we went to the temple as a Zone. It was awesome to go to the temple, and it strengthens me every time I go. I am so grateful for the temple.

The last few days have still been really slow in the work. Most people are not back from Holiday yet, so even tracking to find new people isn't very effective. I hope this next week will speed up a bit. Church went well yesterday. We had a lot of people come because it was the New Year. Our chapel was pretty full, and I think there were over 100 people. 

 Training my companion has been going very well so far. Elder Robins just seems like an equal missionary to me. I don't know if he has learned much in the last 2 weeks with all the holidays because we haven't had too many lessons. I hope he will pick up the teaching quick as we go into the next few weeks.
You asked about disease here.  There are a lot of cases of Aids here. I think everyone here knows someone that has died of aids, or that has aids. I think it is a big problem here right now. It doesn't seem like there a lot of other huge diseases around that I have heard of. I have been keeping really healthy. I have not been sick since I have been here. Most missionaries deal with stomach upset and diarrhea, but I have not.  I am keeping pretty healthy. 

It is still weird to think that I am half way around the world. I can't really comprehend it either. It still seems like I am in like California somewhere. I have had to put my trust in the Lord also. I know I am being watched over, and protected. I have to rely on the Lord so much. I know he is also watching over you and the family as I pray for you everyday. I hope you can continue to be comforted. Know I am well, and I know I am doing the right thing. I love you very much, and miss you. 
Elder Mitchell Brown

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Letter - Received 12/26/13 Written 12/2/13

Dear Family
I want to give you more details about my mission.  I know my emails are quick and not very much  informative.  On a basic day we wake up 6:30 pray, work out, and eat breakfast. I usually have cereal, oats, yogurt, and sometimes eggs.  WE shower and dress by 8:00.  We study personally.  This has been awesome.  I have been re-reading the book of Mormon, and really enjoy doing that. I also read from my genealogy book.  It has been so fun and interesting to read ancestor stories.  Thanks mom for putting that together.  We then have companionship study from 9 to 11.  I am still being trained so we have to spend extra time doing this.  I am enjoying this most of the time but it does get boring.  We will usually eat lunch before we leave our apartment and then out the door for our area by 11:30 to 12:00.

We drive 18 kilometers to our area of Hospital view each day.  It takes about 20 to 30 minutes.  We usually have full days of teaching lessons but sometimes we have cancelations.  We normally have our first lesson at 12 and try to schedule one every hour.  The teaching has gotten much better for me.  I can just open my mouth now and talk forever about one thing in the gospel.  So the times when we have cancelations we go tracking knocking on doors, or contacting witch is just talking to people on the street.  Neither of these are very fun but I am getting much better at it.  I know I am being helped.  I am now able to talk to random strangers and strike up a conversation with them.  I know I can continue to improve with this as I learn to let the sprit guide me. 

We finish up teaching in our area about 8 to 8:30.  We head back to our flat.  Once we are safely in our flat we eat and do our daily planning.  This is when we look over the past day and then plan lessons for those we are going to the next day.  In the evening we write letters and do more personal study.  I have been getting into this schedule pretty well.  Getting up  in the morning is much easier that I thought it would be.  At first I was always tired.  This really was not fun.  I was always tired and when I would lay down at night I was dead.  They have a saying in the mission field "you get tired form the plane ride and you never recover until you leave."  I don't think-it is that bad but I am pretty tired but somehow I make it and I guess it is good I'm ready to collapse at night, because I sleep well.  

My companion Elder Brasher has been really good to me.  He is 6 days younger than me so little weird he is my trainer.  We have got a long very well and he has helped me a lot.  I am a little nervous to get a new companion.  Elder Brasher is a hard worker.  We have had some good experiences together.  We have had some really good investigators but also some really flakey ones.  We have been teaching a young lady who has been struggling a bit to understand the gospel and gain a testimony.  We have taught her almost everything.  She has been scared of baptism, but it has been a miracle to see her pray and a  testimony is slowly forming in her.  I have been touched and had my testimony grow.  It is a common problem here, that the people learn slow.  Most people don't understand english super well, so teaching goes really slow.  I have had to learn to teach simple like I'm teaching children.  This has been a bit frustrating, but I am getting better.  

We had a disappointing experience happen this past week.  We have one of our investigators we have been teaching since I got here, Gift,  and he has been progressing and doing well.  He has moved a few times like most people do so we lost track of him.  We found him again the past Sunday when a member knew where he lived.  We got to his place to have a lesson and just his wife was there.  We called him on his phone and he said he was coming.  We could not stay at his home because we did not have another male with us.  We asked the wife if we could just have a-prayer with her.  After praying we were walking out and we thought we saw Gift  under a tree in the yard by the other shacks.  We walked over to him and he was drunk.  This was a big shock because he had been a great guy and wonderful investigator.  We were disappointed.  We have tried to set up other appointments and gone back several times.  We suspect his wife took the child and left for her families.  His phone is now disconnected so we are not sure how to contact him.  Alcohol is a big problem here.  We walk into a lot of drunk people here.  I am pretty heart broken over Gift.  

It is pretty hard to imagine the things that go on in this township. I would have never been able to imagine this.  I know this is the only place I could experience some of the things I have.  I have grown so much in ever way.  I know this is where I should be .  I know I am helping these people and they are helping me.  something i have learned is no matter what I will survive.  I know with the help of the Lord I can get through anything.  I have been very homesick at times but I always make it through.  I love you and think about you all the time.  Thank you for the letters, pictures, and packages.  This means a whole lot and I appreciate the support.  Thanks for all you have taught me. 

Elder Mitchell Brown

December 29, 2013-Week 15

Dear Family                        
Well speaking to you on Christmas was very very fun! I had a wonderful time speaking to the family. I was amazed that I didn't even get homesick or sad and depressed. It was fun to see everyone, and I was amazed at how well I could see all of you. I am glad that we were all able to laugh and joke with each other, and it really made me happy. I wasn't putting on an act at all; I really was happy and positive.
Don't worry about any of the questions you asked. I wasn't embarrassed at all. They were all questions that I had when I first got here. I hope that I answered some of them, and I will try to now. The member didn't think any of the questions were cutting, and he understands.  The port-a-potties in the squatter camps I'm not sure about. I have no idea if they are even cleaned. They look pretty nasty, and I would never use one. They stink pretty badly every time we drive or walk buy, so I'm guessing that they don't get cleaned. The people that live in the squatter camps I think have jobs. Most people around have jobs, and I’m not sure if anyone gets government assistance.

I am glad that you received the Christmas card with letters. I thought it would be something nice to send. I took time on P-day a few weeks back to write letters, and it really wasn't too much time. I am glad that the boys enjoyed them, and I hope Ashley enjoyed it over the phone.  I am so glad that you have been sending letters, and I really enjoy reading them almost every week. Your letters have really given me great support, and helped me through.  Tell everyone thanks for Christmas letters and messages the ornaments have been great.  My wall is covered.  Thank you!!!  The internet cafĂ© where I am will has slow service so I can not down load pictures so I will try to send a picture next week.
People aren't really returning to their homes and will not get back until after new years. It has been hard the past few days to teach anyone. None of the people we normally teach are around. We went out on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. These three days we had like 2 lessons a day maybe. It was hard. We went tracking, but still didn't really find anyone home. Thank you for the encouragement. I know we just need to keep our heads up even though these days are hard, and just remember we are planting seeds for future missionaries.
One thing fun we did is on Friday we went to a Buffet with a bunch of missionaries. We went to Emperors Palace, which is a big casino like Ceasers, and ate at a nice buffet. This was really cool, and it felt like we were back in Vegas.

We will not proselyte Tuesday (New Years Eve), or on Wednesday (New Years Day). The reason for this is all the people are still drunk. We are going to do things with other missionaries in our district. Elder Raymond from Australia, and Elder Ellison from Chicago have been really fun to hang out with over the Holidays. There might be fireworks in Kempton Park where we stay, so we might watch those on New Years Eve. 

You asked about our ward. We attend the same ward every Sunday. We teach a class of investigators every Sunday. So I teach every third Sunday. Elder Robins takes a turn, and our ward mission leader takes a turn. Our ward is doing OK, but yesterday with the Holidays we only had like 30 people there. This was a bit disappointing. I think as the New Year starts we will see a whole lot of improvement with our ward and our area. Our new bishop is away on holiday right now, so we haven't worked much with him yet.
I have been doing very well lately with homesickness. Like I mentioned before as I am now training and responsible I feel more like this is real. I have gotten into the routine of things, and it all feels normal now. I hope I can help Elder Robins through his homesickness now that I have got though mine.
It is good to hear from you. Thank you so much for your encouragement and your support. It really strengthens me every Monday when I read your emails. I am still very happy about Skyping you and the family. It really uplifted me and gave me strength. I think one thing that helped was everything is still the same there. Everyone is doing well, and not too much has changed. I love you, and thanks for your continued support. 
Elder Mitchell Brown