south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6, 2015

Dear Mom,

It has been a good week, and the work is going well here. I am still enjoying the work, and trying to be positive and work hard. I know that is the only way that the time will fly by. If I am just being negative and being lazy the time will go really slow!! I am still doing some cleaning on the flat, and I even rigged up a shower curtain in our bathroom. I will have to get you a picture. My camera card is having a problem as I plug it in to the computer.  I might just get a new card and take pictures with that in the mean time.

So the new things I learned about Elder Bua is he is a convert. He has been a member for 3 years. His father has passed away. He lived in a village place. He has learned a lot on his mission, like used a computer for the first time. I really haven't learned much more. He doesn't really talk much. I try to start conversations. It is  little hard because we don't plan much because he doesn't talk to me. I always try to ask questions about people and the area, but he just doesn't answer. When he does he just seems annoyed,  I am still working on him. I don't think he is too fond of Americans, maybe he has had bad experiences on his mission. He talks to members and people a lot in the area. My plan of attack is to kill him with kindness. I just want to try to help him all I can the short time I am with him. 

Being a district leader is fine I guess. It is not fun to have to be responsible, and take the blame if anything happens. I have to teach district meetings on Fridays, and then do call in reports on Sunday nights to get the missionaries stats, and talk about their week. There are 10 of us in the district. I guess it is cool. 

I am glad that Jackie email was an answer to your prayers. I am grateful for Jackie and Nathan. I miss serving with them, and I hope I can get back for her baptism. 

The area is going well. Elder Bua doesn't know the area too well. Luckily we have a member Thulani comes with us almost everyday and he know where people live. Because Elder Bua doesn't know the area too well we are doing a lot of unnecessary walking on our walking days!! WE are walking back and forth a lot, and I think that is what our day looks like tomorrow. We have one young man that is getting baptized this month, and he is really cool. His name is Paballo, and he is 17. He has friends in the church, and they are a good support to him. WE are walking on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I am super tired on those days. WE are still working the same area with the car as when walking. We try to schedule far away appointments on the days we are driving. I guess something I have noticed as I have been in this area is the people we are teaching have not been taught very well. I guess I might be a picky teacher, and I make sure people know things right, and have a testimony. I have been trying my best to make things clear to people. i try to teach very simply so people can understand. It is important in township as well because people are a bit slower and maybe don’t understand English language as well!! 

We had the two baptisms last week on the 28th. I didn't have much to do with the baptism. I didn't really know the people, and they didn't know me. I conducted the meeting. I did confirm Siyabonga this Sunday which was great. Again the two baptized hadn't been taught everything, so that kind of bugs me, and I have been trying to help teach them more. 

It sounds like you had a very eventful and fun fourth weekend. I was wondering why my calendar said fourth. I guess I know why now. I look forward to having fun with the family like this when I get home. I think the Fourth is one of my favorite holidays, especially after being out of the states! I am super grateful for our great country! 

I guess I did forget that it was the 4th of July when I woke up, and I then I noticed after study when I looked at my planner for the day. We didn't do anything though. We were planning on maybe doing a braii or BQ today for the fourth. I did hang up my American Flag! 

The ward is ok I guess. It seems like a lot of older people. Everyone in township shows up late for church. When church starts we have like 40 people there, and at the end of sacrament probably like 100 people. There are a lot of youth though, and a good sized YSA. They seem to work with us quite well. 

I guess it is a typical township like Tembisa, but there aren't really shacks. It is mostly cinder block homes. It seems like a pretty dirty township. There is just garbage piles everywhere. People just don't have respect for the land here. They just live in there own filth. Township really grosses me out. Like we cut through fields full of garbage as we are walking. I will get a few good pictures of it. 

 There have been a few times that I haven't felt safe, but most of the time I feel fine. Everyone just stares at me, and calls me mahua, meaning white person. I am used to it now though I guess. It does get pretty annoying though. People do think that white people have a lot of money, so I have to be careful. I don't carry anything of value with me when walking. I know that I am being watched over though. There have been a lot of times I see I could easily get robbed, but i am comforted by the spirit, and nothing happens. 

 I guess the best experience of the week was going to the temple. I haven't been for about 3 months. It is always great to go to the temple. I will get to go again in about 3 weeks time for my final temple trip with my group. The Dunn's attended our temple session on Friday, and they were the witness couple. It was a cool experience to have them there. I always feel the spirit so strongly as a go to the temple, and I am so grateful we have temples on the earth. I am so appreciative of you and dad for being sealed in the temple, and the knowledge that we can be together forever. 

I am really just pushing through these last few weeks. I saw a good quote that says, "don't count the days, but make the days count." I am really trying to make the days count. I know as I am positive the lord will bless me with the strength I need, and he will help me to learn and enjoy this last month of my mission. I am very excited to return home to you and the family in one month, but it still doesn't seem real to me. 
I got 3 of your letter this week! They were dated May 30th, June 5th, and the June 12th. thank you for your letters, they are fun to read, and they always give me great encouragement. I hope you are doing well, and know that I have a testimony of this gospel. I know if we follow the simple principles and ordinances of the gospel we will have peace, and we can live with our Heavenly Father again. I know sometimes we get caught up in all the trivial things, and the deep doctrine of the gospel, but it really doesn't matter.
I love you and I hope you have a great week. Tell everyone hello, and I love them.


Elder Brown

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