south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, June 29, 2015

June 29, 2015

Dear Mom,

I hope you haven't been to overwhelmed or anxious to know where I am. I am doing great, and the work is going well. 

 I am now serving in Kwa-Thema. It is a township outside of Springs. It was two area's, and we are now covering both of them. We have a lot of work to do. We had two baptism's on Sunday, and so that was nice. We are sharing a car with the Selcourt missionaries. We are walking every other day. We have the car for 4 days, and walk for 3 days. It is nice, but hate getting back into the walking mode.  Springs in located to the west of Johannesburg.   I am living in Brakpan. The complex we stay in has about 10 missionaries staying there, so that is cool! 
Something exciting is Secunda is in my district, so I will go out there on Exchanges. I will get to visit some people before I come home. I will try to visit my other old area's as well. 
The split of our mission didn't effect me at all. I was pretty surprised to hear about the split! We only heard yesterday through a text we received, and then got a detailed email today. You knew more details on it than I did. That is exciting to think our mission is growing that fast that the church thought it needed to be split. 

My companion is Elder Bua. He is from Uganda. He is 23 year old, and has been on his mission for 15 months. He is my first black companion, and it has been challenging. He really isn't too bad, but just a lot of differences. . I think this first week I have just been getting used to it. He is a good guy, and we get a long. We just don't talk much because we don't have much in common to talk about. It is weird because I am the only white guy in township!! I have been cleaning our flat all week, because most black missionaries don't care about cleaning! I will try to find out more about him this week. 

Our transfer day was good. I got to see a bunch of missionaries, which is always fun. It was weird to see a lot of my past companions and missionaries I have served around going home! It is weird to think the next transfer meeting it will be me! The transition was smooth, and I got my things from the one car to the next pretty well. I have a lot of stuff I need to try and sell this transfer. 

 I think I told you most of the stuff about this new area. it is a good area. We area teaching a lot of people, but it is a typical township. The people just accept what you say instead of studying it out. We walk like I said, and that isn't fun. I have been driving everyday for 9 months. I guess I will get used to it. It is nice to get out and walk though. The ward is ok, but it seemed small yesterday. I am not too worried about learning the area, or getting to know the people. We have one 19 year old that comes with us everyday!! he is pretty much the third missionary. His name is Thulani, and he is preparing to serve a mission. 
You asked about the flat.  Like I said it was dirty. It is a nice place though. We have had a problem with our water heater the last few days, so no hot water. I have been showering at the other missionaries that live right next to us.  It is a bath tub with a hand held shower head, and no shower curtain! I am going to try and rig up a rope with a shower curtain! 

 I am handling the change pretty well. I guess if anything is hard I just tell myself I only have to endure for 5 more weeks ha! I am really trying to just be positive and enjoy everything! It has been a hard transition from town to township, and from Elder Asay to Bua. I have been a bit down someday, but I guess I have been able to overcome. I am pretty used to constant change now. 

 If Jackie stays on date and is baptized before I come home I will be able to attend. I will make sure I am there. I think she is doing well, and hopefully make it to her date! 
 I guess there isn't too many people to tell you about. The only one I can think of is the two that were baptized. The girl Dimpho was pretty powerful. She was pretty prepared. I still don't know the other people well enough. I miss the more stable investigators we had that really challenge what you teach. Here in the township they just believe. I like it when people actually question and search it out and pray and gain a testimony of their own.

Thanks for telling me about your week. It is always great to get the weekly update. I have not gotten a written letter in a few weeks, so hopefully I will get one this week. 
I am only a District Leader, but have not done much with that responsibility. 

Well I love you and hope you have an amazing week. 

Your son

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