south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, July 13, 2015

July 13, 2015

Dear Mom
It's always great to hear from you. My week has been great! I am loving the work here, and we are teaching some good people. I am still struggling a bit with Elder Bua, but I guess we are making it through. I am just trying to be patient, and love him. I know as I just love him and try to help him the time will go fast. I am grateful to have Elder Segil and Loveless staying next door, because I am with them a lot. I know that I am here to learn something. I know the Lord put me with Elder Bua for some reason, and I am just trying to learn what He intended me to learn. I know as I trust in the Lord everything will work out. I have had some pretty good prayers about Elder Bua, and just having the strength and humility to move forward. I have really been blessed with the strength I have needed. I still try to talk to him, but he just ignores me basically. I know he knows English, so it isn't that. It is frustrating because he talks to people in the area a lot, but when it is just us two he is silent. I am just going to keep trying, and just try to fulfill my purpose for being with him. 
It is great to hear from you. Mondays are great day
 We are teaching a lot of lessons. I guess that is how township is though. We are mostly teaching recent converts that have been baptized. The walking is good I guess. Again Elder Bua is just so stubborn. We had appointments super far apart on Saturday, and so I wanted to take the bikes but he refused. He said you can bike and I'll walk.  I tried to reason with him, but he just sat in silence. I did fine though walking. We have a few other members we have been taking with us, and it is nice because I enjoy talking to them. It is weird because Elder Bua will talk to me in the area if we are with someone else, but not when we are alone. 

I think Jackie is doing great. I have been keeping in contact with her and Elder Asay. I think I will for sure go back for her baptism, but I just have to get permission from president Dunn. She is on Date for the 26th of July. I think she will make her date. I will let you know as I find out more about that. 

 Paballo is doing good. He was on date for the baptism on the 26th as well, but I think we might have to move him to the 4th of August -so I can make it to Jackie's baptism. He didn't make it to church this last week either, so that make it hard for him to make his date. He is great though. He is 17 years old, and has some good friends in the church. Fellowshipping is so important in the church for new members and old members. If we have friends in the church we will remain active. Home teaching is a huge problem in this country, and especially this ward. No one has home teachers, but we have a big elders quorum. I hope they will get it sorted out soon.
I haven't had any problems as a district leader. I have only had to teach one district meeting. We had a temple trip the second Friday, and then zone meeting this last Friday.
It sounds like a great week. That is crazy that Blake is trying to sell the Mustang. I hope it isn't gone before I come home so I can take another ride in it, but if it is it's ok. That is fun Ashley came down for the car show, and that you all got to spend time together. 
It is weird to think of the other missionaries returning home that were in my graduating class. I guess it has been two year since a lot of them left. I guess that will be very soon. I am really excited to come home, but nervous in some ways.  I will  be happy to be back home!! I am fine if you put me to work up the mountain. I will love it!! I will just keep pressing forward and trying my hardest to work hard. I will make each day count, and try to learn as much as I can.

I am excited for this upcoming Saturday. It is my final temple trip. So all the missionaries that are going home with me will be attending the temple together with the Dunn's. I also had Interviews this past Thursday, and it was great. President and Sister Dunn are amazing people, and I will miss not being around them. 
I will try to get you some pictures this week. I just need to fix my card, because it possibly has a virus. Thank you for the classical music!! I am sure what you sent will be great! I love you, and I look forward to seeing you in three weeks. I will keep watching for your letters. I have not yet received your final letter. 

Your Son

Elder Mitchell Brown

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