south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, June 22, 2015

June 22, 2015 − 6 WEEKS TO GO, LAST TRANSFER

Dear Mom
 I guess the biggest news of this week is the transfer. 

I am getting transferred to a different area for my last transfer. I have also been called as a district leader for my last transfer, which really exciting but not sure I want that for my last 6 weeks.   I am sad to leave this area, and it was hard to say goodbye to everyone. I know that it is all in the Lords plan though. I guess I have coped with it more as the week has gone on. I got the news on Thursday. I am sad to leave Elder Asay, because he was an awesome companion. The thing that has me down and discouraged the most is packing!! I really don't like packing. 

It sounds like fun week at home. I  probably won't respond to everything because my time is short.  

I am so grateful for my father being fathers day yesterday. I am also grateful for all the male influences in my life. It is great to hear your thought on your father. He was a great man, and I hope to uphold his great name that I have. 

I hope that the boys are not too tired after all they have been doing this week! It sounds like they had a good time at the lake, and I will have to read dads email to hear more about it. 

The week has been great. We have been teaching some good lessons. I guess the best news is Jackie is really improving. She has been coming to church every week, and she has been reading her scriptures and praying everyday. Like you said it really is the basic things. Just the simple primary answers of pray and read your scriptures. Those things really work, and I have seen on my mission the great impact they have had on investigators, but more especially on me. Also our investigator Precilla is really doing well. We put her on date for baptism this week, and she has been coming to church as well. Her and her son are on date for the first of August. I have been teaching her for a while, but we have got her to start doing the simple things, and she has started to progress. We also met a really cool part member family this week named the Brogden family. The wife is an inactive member, and the husband and daughter are not members, but she really wants them to join the church, so they are a great family we can start working with. I guess the only thing that is annoying about them, is she said "I know the church is true, but the members aren't." I hear people say this a lot, and it is a true statement, but people use it as an excuse to go less active. They get offended, and then they just don't come. If they truly knew the church was true they wouldn't let anyone else effect their salvation. Sister Masters is doing well, and she is sad that I am leaving. She is a tough lady, and has been through a lot. I am pretty short on time today, so I won't tell you much more about my week. 

You asked about us out on street corners handing out pass along cards.  I normally feel pretty safe. As we are handing out cards we are really safe and cautious. We even handed out some cards on the busy streets in Sandton Central, but we got kicked out. We are pretty safe in alex where we go. We are all in a big group as well, which helps. I will miss doing this service in Alex.

I really don't want to go to a township for my last transfer. But I guess if anything is hard about my last area I only have to endure for one transfer. I am so grateful for the gospel, and the ability to share it. I pray that you are all well, and that you are feeling of the spirit in your life. Well love you.

Your Son

Elder Brown

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