south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 76 - March 2, 15

Dear Mum,

Well another week has come and gone!! I guess it is nice to have the time passing though. It sounds like it has been a pretty good week for you. 

Last Monday we went to hang out with the missionaries in Ridgeway. That is where Elder Robins is serving. So it was really fun to just hang out with him. We didn't do anything too fun though. P-days are pretty boring sometimes! 

On Tuesday we just had a normal day of teaching. One of our regulars is Willamina and Ester. They are doing good, but just learning really slow. We have been teaching them for a while, and haven't got too far in the lessons. We still have a lot to teach them. We are planning to put them on date for baptism this week. They will hopefully be baptized the first of April if they keep coming to church. 

Wednesday we just had another normal day. We met a new girl named Keke. We just met her at the mall with a member because she works at the mall. We met during her break. She goes to some weird church that believes in prayer warriors and intercessors. It is just weird all the different believes that people have. It is cool though that we are able to teach people the truth. 

Thursday we were pretty busy teaching. We had Willamina and Ester again. One of our members was supposed to feed us that night, but she couldn't, so she sent us with some money. So we made a chicken pot pie with her money. It is like the size of a normal pie!! It was fun to do that. 

Friday was fun. We did our weekly service to Jackie. She is so much fun, and it is so fun to just go and serve her. It is fun to work in the little concession stand. I am always running around getting stuff for people. She just has me man the counter while her and elder Peterson do other stuff. 

Saturday morning we were invited to go with Jackie and Nathan to a function at Nathans school. It was a fun run thing. There were just a ton of people there. We just went with jackie and had a good time. We had a lot of snacks and stuff. The PTA had taken over her little shop. We had to help pack all the stuff into the shop on Friday. On Saturday though I had to help make popcorn for people. The popcorn machine kept tripping the power, so that was an adventure. It was just like any school event back home. It just reminded me of all the PTA stuff you do, and how busy you always were. We got a pretty big rain storm on Saturday as well. We then went and taught Jackie later that night after we went to sister masters and watched a church movie!! Sister Masters is awesome!! But Jackie is doing well. She really is progressing, and it is so great to see her get better. She has been decreasing the number of cigarettes she is smoking. I really love Jackie. I can't wait tell she is baptized. She is so ready, the only thing holding her back is her smoking. She has gone from 18 a day to 8 though!! So I know that she can quite and get baptized. 
Saturday night there was a Stake talent show! It was fun to go and watch the different talents!! It is so weird the diversity in this country!! You have all these proper rich white people, and then pretty much ghetto township people. Like the white people all got up and sang nice songs and played the piano, and even the violin. Then the blacks would get up and dance to hip hop or rap that probably shouldn't be playing in a church building haha!! But it is all the south African experience I guess haha!! 

Our Sunday was pretty good. we went and Ate at a really cool family right after church. The Adams Family ha!! They have boys that swim and play water polo. I think I told you about them about a month ago when they fed us last! We then taught a few people. We taught Nurse. She really isn't learning too fast thought. She hasn't been reading or anything. I guess we will keep working with here thought. We then ended the night by going to a YSA fireside. It was a great fireside. The topic was mostly what are you going to do to guarantee you will stay in the church the rest of you life. It was a great fireside. President Pieenar was the one conducting the whole discussion. His wife is the one that sent you pictures with the little red head boy. they have two boys on a mission. 

Elder Peterson and I are doing great together. We get a long pretty well. He really loves to bake like deserts, and I love to eat them, so that is what we have in common hahah!!! He made some peanut butter cookies last night that were really good!! He is just a little baker! I guess we don't do a lot of fun stuff together. WE just do our normal work, but we joke a lot, and that keeps stuff interesting. I am glad he is my companion though. I have learned a lot from him, and being with him. I guess some are forced lessons ha. 

It sounds like your week has gone great, and that is good to hear. I put a few random pictures in dropbox. Like some from a cool look out up on a huge hill, and some selfies of myself :) I will also put some in of our pot pie that we made!! Just let me know about registration for school. I guess i probably need to choose some classes, so just let me know. I am staying pretty healthy! I have started slacking on my working out, like weight lifting, but I am still running with Elder Peterson every other morning. My bite has fully healed pretty much, so that is good!! It doesn't look nearly as bad as my first one! I am glad that you are getting more snow!! I hope that you keep getting more moisture. It sounds like you really need it!! Well I love you, and I am glad you are doing well. I am sorry if this email is boring. We aren't doing too much fun today. We are just going to the office to pick something up for Elder Peterson, then probably go to the mall or something. well have a good week. 

Your son

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