south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, December 22, 2014

December 22, 14

Dear Mom,

Well it has been a really good week. We have had a lot of activities going on this week, and we have kept busy with teaching as well.
On Wednesday my zone went to a disabled home and sang Christmas hymns to them. There were about 16 of us there, and it was really fun!! The people loved it, and the staff as well was very appreciative of it. I  don’t think they get things like that a lot.
On Friday we had interviews with President. Sister Dunn is a lot of fun!! As others are getting interviewed she has activities for us to do. Like each of us wrote our testimony on a quote that we hung on their Christmas tree. She has also been helping us to be healthy. So we learned how to make some good food, and to bake some things. My interview went great with President, and I really love him. President Dunn is an amazing man, and he helps so much. When he looked at my release date it was already in August. The missionary department had already put it in August because of my Visa expiring. Also on Friday we had Zone meeting that took up the rest of the day.
On Saturday the stake put on a lunch Braai(barbeque) for us. It was a lot of fun, and the food was great. We were basically there all day as well.

Well it sounds like it has been a good week for you. I am sure you are relived to have your musical number over. I will try to listen to it on dropbox. That is cool as well that Calvin is now an official driver!! I am sure he is happy about that.

Well the swim team still continues to do well, and to win all of their meets. I am still wondering how they will do against park city! I hope Calvin will work hard during this Christmas break, because this is the time that really counts to drop time when he starts tapering.

We are having a Christmas party with the Stake on Thursday Morning.
We might get a package at our Christmas party on Thursday! We have a Christmas party from 9-1 that day, then we will go hang out with some members, and then get ready to skype.  That is neat that the ward members are planning packages for us. 

 I have not used the recipes yet, but I am going to try in the next 2 days. I am probably going to make stuff for Christmas day and share with some members. I will let you know how it goes. I found brown sugar that might work, so think i will try the toffee.

Thank you for your testimony. I really miss the Christmas spirit from home, and all the activities that really help us focus on the savior like the Messiah that you play in. Really here there is nothing to make people focus on Christ and his Birth. The Christmas spirit is just so different here as well, and it just doesn't seem like Christmas. I do love spending the time here though, and it is a really cool experience to just see how other people do things. I look forward to seeing you on Christmas day, and I am excited to talk with you. Have a good Week!! Tell everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS

Your Son

Elder Brown

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