south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15, 14 - Week 64

Dear Mom, 

It has been a good week. I am very glad I got your package. The mice had not eaten the Chex mix yet. It was actually still really good, and I have been eating it!! You asked what was in the package (mailed in August )  there was the chex mix, President Dunn's CD, ties, deodorant, candy, and stuff to celebrate one year!! I loved your decoration of the inside of the box!! I think that everything was in there. All the stuff you had written on the outside was in there. 

I will have to get on and see the pictures from the zone conference. I am glad you saw my new suit. I am also glad you liked my red socks haha!! I have bought a few pairs of colorful socks because I am bored of just black!

Our Zone Conference with Elder Cook went really well!! It was really uplifting and inspiring. We had a lot of cool topics, and things we talked about. It was a long meeting though, like 7 hours!! We didn't have interviews with him though. I do have interviews with President Dunn this upcoming Friday though. 
It was really nice to see other missionaries, and just talk and stuff with them. I had a really fun time with Elder Saunders who was in the MTC with me. I am pretty sure I will do a lot with him when I come home. He is not in my zone, but there were 2 other zones there. My zone I  think is the smallest, or one of the smallest. 

The postal strike must be slowing ending.  Other missionaries have also been getting packages. I don't think any of them are Christmas packages though. I think they are packages that were send back in August, September, and October mostly. I have not gotten any other letter yet. Yeah don't worry about a package. I don't care if other missionaries get packages and I don't. Like we have talked about it can just buy stuff. Things are really cheap here.  You can send my Christmas  package in a couple months when the strike is fully over. 

You asked about what we will do on Christmas.  On Christmas it will be similar to last year. We will be going to Roodeport to meet with like all the other missionaries and have devotional. We will have breakfast in the morning at 9, then watch some Christmas movie, and then finish with playing sports. We will finish that around 1 to 2, then head back to our flat, and then to the church to skype. We also have a Christmas lunch that the stake is putting on for the missionaries that will be on Saturday. 

This last Satruday we had our ward Christmas party. It was ok, but kind of boring. They had like jumping castles for the little kids, and an ice cream machine. But then there wasn't really anything for the adults to do the whole time. It was nice thought to go and eat and just relax. 

The week has been pretty good. The zone conference was pretty good. I guess the work has not slowed down much more, but it is still slow. We have been staying busy with members and Recent converts, and less actives. We didn't teach like any investigators this last week. I think we taught like 10 investigator lessons. Then like 10 member, RC, and LA's. We are still trying to find new people. We have found a few new people this last week. We just need to keep finding those that are prepared. It think this week we will try to just walk down the street and share the Christmas story. 

I guess the big news of this week is I am now in a threesome. I have 2 companions right now. Elder Puis from Kenya has now joined us. He was in Vosloorus 1. His companion was waiting for a visa to Mozambique. He got his visa Saturday night, and flew out this morning. So the three of us now are covering both Vosloorus area's, so that will be stressful. I don't think Elder Puis really likes us(me and Elder Maraetefau) much either. We have gotten along well the past night as we have been together.  We will most likely finish out the transfer in the threesome. We have three weeks left in this transfer.
I think I have become more mature as a missionary from last year, and I think I am doing better than last December when I was in Hospital View with Elder Robins.  Our teaching got really slow and because we were not busy I was missing home and Christmas activities.    

Well I am glad to hear everything is going well there. It sounds like it is a busy holiday season, and you are running back and forth a lot! I pray that you are not too overwhelmed with things you are doing. I miss the holiday seasons. It really is different here. It doesn't seem like Christmas at all because it isn't the same as back home. I guess the Christmas spirit comes with traditions and fun things with family. I guess it is nice I don't really have the Christmas spirit because it would make me homesick. 
You will have to tell Calvin Happy Birthday for me. That is weird to think he will be getting his license!! I hope he enjoys his birthday and doesn't feel like he is forgotten with all the Christmas buzz. 
Well I love you and I look forward to hearing from you when skyping next week. I did get Ashley’s email, and I think everything is set with skyp accouts.  WE will just finalize next monday. I love you and have a good week. 

Your son

Elder Mitchell Brown

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