south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1, 14 - Week 62

Dear Mom and Dad

The internet here today is really slow, so i hope my email will make it through. I am glad you enjoyed my birthday email. I looked at my planner right after we left emailing on Monday, and remembered it was your birthday. It sounds like you spent some good time with the family. I am glad that Randall and Katrina were able to spend time with you on your birthday. It sounds like Toni is still doing awesome parties and things!! That is really cool that they threw you a surprise party. I am sure that it was really fun. That is funny that Lyn got you Zorro to watch over and over haha!! I actually saw that on at a members the other day, and it reminded me of Grandma. I will try to send a birthday card once I can.

It sounds like the Cedar team keeps doing well. I think it has been since I was a freshman that we could beat all the St George teams. You will have to let me know how they do at the CV invitational. It will be interesting to see how they do up against some bigger teams. That would be really exciting to see them do well at state, or even win.

Yeah dad told me that you probably had like 70 people at the pie party. That is really cool. It has probably been a while since you have seen a lot of those people. Like some of Lyn's kids I haven't seen them for years. You probably had a good time catching up with them again. That is really cool that Sterling and Stanton will be coming home on the same flight. I am sure that will be a great excitement to have them home for Marcus’s wedding.

I'm sure you are nice and full after your two thanksgiving dinners. I hope you had some good family time over the holiday. It sounds like you did some great stuff like hiking and shooting and bowling.

I think you can just stop worrying about the Christmas package. I will be fine without a package. I really would rather just buy things. I don't think anyone else is getting packages.  I have not heard from anyone else that they are getting packages. I think the best thing to do is wait for the strike to end, and you can just send me a small care package even if it is next year sometime. For Christmas I really can just buy things. I would love to hear from people if they want to email, I just may not have time to email back.   I didn't get any further mail this week. I probably wont for a few more weeks, but I will keep you updated. No one else has been getting mail that I know of.

The week has been great for the most part. Transfers on Tuesday was really fun. I got to see a lot of missionaries that I have not seen for a long time. It is really fun to just catch up and laugh and have a good time. I also got to see Elder Robins. I have not seen him since he was my companion. He is now at a year on mission which is just insane. We went out to lunch and stuff, so that was really fun to celebrate his year mark. It is crazy to think a missionary I trained is now at one year. Time really does fly. I said goodbye to Elder Zebe as well which was pretty sad. I will miss him a lot. I think he will be someone I do a lot of things with when I get home. We didn't do anything fun for thanksgiving. We got fed by a member which was nice because that doesn't happen very often.

The rest of the week was just normal in the area. We did teach a decent amount, but it just seemed like a really slow week. We had a lot of cancellations still, but that is normal. We are really struggling to find new investigators. I am not excited for December, and the work getting really slow. We already have investigators leaving for the holidays. I guess we just need to be creative and find people with creative ways.

Our investigators just all seem to be jokers. They aren't too serious. Like Kgaogelo and Manthole. I have been teaching them since I got here in September, and they still aren't going to make it to be baptized this month. I guess we just need to drop them for a while and let them see the importance of the gospel. Also Mandla and Voyage, one of our Father led families, we found out that they aren't all the way married. He hasn't finished paying lobola. That means they are breaking the law of chastity, and can't be baptized until they are fully married. Other than that we do have some good investigators. I just hope they won't all leave the next few weeks. Everyone as you remember from last Christmas leave to go be with family for the whole month of December.  Remember it is summer break here.   I am doing fine with my companion. We really do get a long, and he is a lot of fun. I would rather have him as a companion that a lot of other missionaries. I am really helping him to become better I hope. I will be with him the rest of this month, and his English is better.  
 Our interviews with the president will be later this month. Like in 3 weeks. I think I will talk to him about coming home in August so we can get things planned for that. I guess Marshall has planned to come home early for school as well. If you can find out when SUU starts and let me know what you think.

Because I will be staying in this area we can start discussing Christmas phone call plans now. I will be able to skype I think at the chapel. Really I will be free like all day. Just whenever the best time is with your schedule will work fine with me. Not sure if you have plans for Christmas already, like a Christmas brunch. Just let me know your plans.

Well I am glad once again to hear from you. Just off to the mall and the chapel to play sports. WE do about the same thing every Monday. I might look at buying a suit this week or next week because we have a meeting with the area president, so I will wear it to that, then wrap it up for my Christmas.  I have a big meeting with the area president, so I need to look sharp. I'm so grateful for all you do, and I am constantly thinking about you and missing you. Well I hope you have a good week getting back into the routine after the holiday. I love you and I am constantly grateful for the many great things you taught me. I use the skills you taught me everyday.

Your Son

Elder Brown

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