south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sept. 7 - New Area and companion

Dear Mom,

Well it is good to hear from you. Another week down!! That is so cool to hear you and dad are having your 30th anniversary. I am sure you are both super happy. I hope that it is a good day, and I hope you can enjoy each others company, and I hope the Lambert's and Knight's do something cool for you.

My new area is Vosloorus 2. It is a township in Gauteng. It is a pretty cool place. I really enjoy the township life. We are here full time. We share a car with the Vosloorus 1 Elders. So we walk every other day.
My new companion is Elder Zebe. He has been on mission for 21 months. He has 2 transfers left. I will most likely be killing him( his last companion). He is a great guy. I kind of knew him before. I have already adjusted to him well. We have so much fun together already. I am so glad that he is my companion. I always get so nervous about getting a new companion. Elder Zebe is from Vegas. He gradudated in 2012. He is really into excercising, and he is pretty jacked or big. It is nice because I am working out with him, and will hopfully get back in shape and loose my fat.

Transfer day went very well actually. I wasn't really nervous at all. Before the transfer meeting another missionary came up to me and told me that he was pretty sure that Elder Zebe would be my next companion. That made me pretty excited. In the transfer meeting they show you new companion and your picture up on the screen. It is pretty cool. We only had to drive like 30 minutes after eating. We are really only like a 20 minute drive from Roodeport and the mission home.

 The area is actually going very well. There are some great investigators there. We have a couple on date. We will probably not have a baptism until next week. It is a great area though. It has a lot of potential to grow. Vosloorus has a ward, so that is great. There are a lot of awesome members here. Just in our area there are some great members. I am excited to work again with more members. We have already been fed a couple times this past week. That is a treat for me coming from Secunda only being fed like once every two weeks.

 I am feeling pretty good. I have adjusted pretty well actually. This has probably been one of the easiest adjustments I have made. It is always hard though to adjust to a new area. I am trying really hard to learn peoples names and the area. I know it will take a couple weeks though. It is just about getting a feel for people. I enjoye getting to know new people though. Elder Zebe and I get a long realy well. I am so glad he is my companion. WE are already really good friends. I guess I am still adjusting though, but I think in a couple days I will be ferly comfortable here.

I guess I have come to see that change is really hard, but it is good. Like on mission it means I am progressing and getting closer to the end. the more change I have the closer I am getting to being done. I know that I cannot get better without change. I hope that I will get your letters because the post office is on strike again. It is pretty annoying. You said you sent a package also. I hope that I get both of them.

I did put some more pictures on. Last week the internet was being stupid, so I couldn't put pictures on. I still need to find wifi somewhere so I can send the pictures that i took on my ipod. I only put on the ones that are on my camera.

It sounds like the trip has gone really great so far. I hope that it will continue to be good. I look forward to seeing the pictures in a couple weeks. I am glad that you and dad area able to get away and have fun with good friends. That is pretty cool that you are on the same time zone right now. That is a bit weird to think about. I guess it gives you an idea of the time of day here.
That is cool that Ashley made the boys go up to comic con. I hope that they enjoyed it.
Well I hope my email gave you some information. Back at the internet cafe there isn't a lot of time to email anymore. It really sucks. Well have a good week.

Your son

Elder Brown

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