south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28,14 - week 44

Dear Mom, 

Well it had been a good week. Transfer weeks are always very weird, and normally pretty long weeks. I made it through though to another Monday!!

On Tuesday we left Secunda pretty early to get to transfers on time. We made it there just fine, even though our car was packed full of stuff!! A change that has been made with president Dunn is we now have transfer meetings. We have to go in and sit down and have a meeting. They then show us our companions up on the projector. Before they would just put up a list and we would find our companion. I liked this meeting, it was just a bit different. 

My new companion is Elder Johnson. He seems like a pretty cool kid so far. It had been a weird week just adjusting to him. Like you said we are both trying to adjust. I hope that I am not making it too hard for him to adjust. He is from Kaysville, Utah. His dad is an Endodontist, so it asked dad if he knows him. He has been on mission for about 18 months. He had been on mission the longest out of all my past companions. He has been a bit quiet this week, but I hope that is just because he is adjusting. I hope we can start to have fun together. 

Elder Willombe is still here, but he has a new companion. His companion now is Elder Bryner. He is from Murry, Utah. He is a pretty cool kid. I miss elder Barton already though. I was pretty good friends with him. I didn't get a district picture this week, but I will this next week. 

Lesson wise it has been a decent week. Because of transfers we didn't teach at all on Tuesday, but we still got about 12 lessons. This is pretty good. I am still enjoying teaching a lot. 
In Evander still our most promising investigator is Lorraine. We saw her twice this week, and she is coming a long quick. She is supposed to be baptized the end of August, but she hadn't been coming to church. She didn't make it this last week either. Our investigators have to come to church at least 5 times to be baptized. She might not be baptized before I leave. 
We don't have very many other people in Evander. We are meeting with a couple others, but none too promising right now. 

On the Emba side we don't have many promising investigators. We are meeting with a lot of people, but the thing with township is most of the people are jokers. We have been meeting with most of our recent converts. Like Frans and the Mnisi family. Also I guess one good investigator we have is the husband of our recent convert Leohba. His name is Steve. He actually came to church yesterday, so that was sweet!! We actually got an investigator to come to church. 

I guess one of the bad things this week is I was sick on Saturday. We got fed by the Soko's in Friday, and I think something they gave us made me sick. I had diarrhea all day, and that really sucked. I still went out to the area and walked around. We came back to the flat early and I just slept. I felt better on Sunday though, so I am doing good now. 

Well it sounds like you have had a very eventful week! I am glad that your float went well. It sounds like everything turned out well. It sounds like you had a great time up the mountain with the brown family. It is cool that now the whole brown family lives in cedar. 

I hope that your quick trip to the lake goes well. I hope that you are all safe. I miss the family at times like this when you are doing fun things, but I know what I am doing is right. I hope that Carson will have a good time on his camp out and not miss the family too much. 

That is weird too hear that Kayla was married. I emailed her a couple weeks ago, and she mentioned she had a boyfriend, but nothing about getting married. I hope that she is happy and doing well. You will have to go to the open house for me. I hope that there family is doing well. 

I am glad to hear that Carson's birthday card made it safely. I am always worried when I send stuff that it won't make it. I am still receiving your letters. This last week on Tuesday I saw the zone leaders at transfers. I got your letter that was dated May 23rd, so it took a long time to come!! I hope the rest aren't taking that long, but I will keep letting you know. I sent you a letter a couple weeks ago, and I hope you got it. Also with letters will you let Grandma Diane know I have been getting her letters. I just got one from her this last week, and she didn't know if I had been getting them. 

I hope that I have given you enough info in this email. If not I am sorry. I hope that you have a good week, and especially a good time at the lake. Be safe, and I hope all the traveling goes well. I love you, and I hope you don't miss me too much this week. Know I am doing well and I am comfortable. 

Your son

Elder Brown 

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