south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14, 14 - week 43

Dear Mom
I am so glad you got to see pictures. That is cool that sister Dunn has a blog. You are just bloggin it up! That would be interesting to read their  blog just to see what they have said. It was a lot of fun meeting President and Sister Dunn.   I got an email from President Dunn where he said the following. “So happy to hear your mom enjoyed the farewell. Steven is a personal friend who I got to know when I produced his program for PBS. I'm looking forward to working with you and getting to know you better. Have a great week!” (Steven Sharp Neilson – Cellist in the Piano Guys played at the Dunn’s Farewell)

You asked about Elder Barton who I am standing by in the pictures, He and I get a long very well because both of our companions are kind of lame.  He and I can relate to each other, also elder Dye was his old companion. I am doing all right with Elder Dye. We get a long well, but there is still tension sometimes. I am ready for a new companion. Transfers are one week from Tuesday. I am pretty sure I will be leaving. It will be an interesting car ride if Elder Barton and I both leave Secunda.  Elder Barton and I both have a lot of stuff, so I don't know how we will fit it all. That is neat you knew some of the other Elders from MTC in Sister Dunns pictures,  Where you able to recognize many people? 
We see the other Secunda missionaries everyday driving to one of our areas. We hang out at there flat some nights. We are with them all day on Monday as well. They are super fun to hang with. They are the only other missionaries we see normally. This past Monday though we got to see our whole zone. We had our zone activity, so we drove into Springs. We had a pretty fun activity at the mall. The zone leaders put together a scavenger hunt. We had to find things and take a picture with them. There were a lot with people, so it was fun asking random people for pictures. We got I trouble a few times by security. That was pretty fun. My group didn't win which made me pretty mad because we had the coolest pictures. Oh well - it was fun. 

You asked about car assignment.  Elder Dye and I work in Emba and Evander. Elder Barton and Willombe work in Secunda and Kinross. We have the car on our Emba days, Tuesday Thursday and Friday. They have the car the other days. With the car we only have 450 kilometers a week. It takes most of them to drive to and from the areas, so we have to walk almost everywhere in the area. President Omer before he left limited out kilometers. We used to have like 700 a week.  I guess the whole reason we are supposed to walk around is to come in contact with more people. I haven't noticed much of a difference, but we do talk to a lot more people. 

You asked about what zone I am in and about zone leader.   I am in the Benoni Zone. My zone leaders are Elder Koyle and Ndikhumana. We see them about every three weeks. They are the ones who get our mail from the office. 

It sounds like you had a really fun weekend in Provo. It sounds like that would have been a great swim camp. I wish I would have gone to something like that. I hope that they learned something good. Hopefully Carson and Gavin had a good time just hanging around. 

I hope Dad and Blake doing ok in DR.  I am sure it is super hot.  That is where Remington was serving and came home sick.  Don’t catch any bugs like he did.  Dad mentioned they had armed gaurds. I hope that you don't have to use the armed guards. I see armed guards here a lot, and they seem like they don't know how to handle the gun they are holding. It is a bit scary sometimes. I hope that your guard are trained well. 
It sounds like a grand adventure. I hope that they are having fun. That is too bad that Blake was sick before they left. It sounds like neither of them expected what they are doing. That is to bad that dad is babysitting dental students, and having to fix their mistakes. Blake is used to working with dad as a good dentist, so I am sure he is frustrated working with inexperienced dentists. Hopefully they will have fun and have time to do some sight seeing.

It sounds like Marshall is doing well according to his email he sent me. I am still emailing him every week. His mom sent me an email this week also, and it sounds like she is still doing great with rehab and things. That would be cool if Marshall could see Mr sharp the principle. That would be weird to see him not in his office getting in trouble Haha

Knocking gates isn't too bad, we make it fun. The best part is I get to pound on the gates really hard with my brass knuckles! Haha. That is the only way people will hear us. I think on Saturday we knocked 19 houses, or gates. If gates are unlocked we normally walk in. We just hit the gate way hard tell someone comes out. The white people are pretty rude though when we knock. I much rather prefer teaching black people. 
We are still teaching and talking to quite a few people. We taught I think 12 lessons this week. We try to find new people everyday.

I hope with time Levi will be able to tolerate his companion. Every missionary I have talked to though didn't like their trainer. Your next companions are always better. Hopefully Levi can compromise some. Sorry to hear Levi was sick, and that does not help to know it might have been food poisoning.  He is kind of obsessed with cleanliness, sorry that happened.  I know here in SA I can not get to worry about the cleanliness of food. I would never eat. It is pretty scary sometimes what people feed us. Like food they cooked who knows when they dish up from containers that were just sitting there in their shack. I guess I am kind of a clean freak, but it doesn't bother me much. I haven't got sick from food yet luckily. 

We have only one investigator on date for baptism right now, and the rest are just jokers. It is a bit frustrating at sometimes.

Thank you for the support you always give me. I am always grateful to get your emails and hear from home. I keep praying for you, and I'm thinking of you. Love ya


Your son

Elder Brown

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