south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26, 2014 - Week 36

Dear Mom,

Wow it sounds like it is going to be a very hectic week!! Thank you for telling me all about what will be happening this week. It helps me not miss being there as much. It hasn't really hit me yet that I will be missing the wedding. I guess this is good because I think I would get really homesick. It might hit me later this week as I think what is happening back home. That is cool that Dad took the boys up to the cabin. I am sure they are really enjoying there time together. I hope that they can have some fun, and relax before this busy week, and  hope you can enjoy memorial day, even though you will be busy.  It is so crazy to me to think that it was a whole year ago that I graduated.  It is so weird to think we would have just been getting back from Disneyland. Looking back at things like this time is really flying by. At other times time goes really slow. I am glad that you will be going through the temple with Katrina. I am sure as you said that will be very exciting for Ashley to go through the temple again. 
 We don't get to go to the temple very often. I have gone once since I have been in Secunda. So being here we do still get to drive in, but it only happens every other transfer. Like once every 3 months.

It sounds like you will be doing a whole lot of driving this week.  I am sure that you are so grateful for Ashley helping.  I am sure that you will make it a very memorable time for Randall, Katrina, and both families. I am sure it will be a lot of fun, and I hope you can try and enjoy yourself. 
 I sometimes feel discouraged, but it seems like we are teaching a lot of people. I know I am planting a lot of seeds though. We hand out so many pamphlets each day, and then don't see those people again, so that is very good that we are still spreading the word in that way.  I agree with you that as we strengthen the members they really help us. Our Branch is doing well, but remember I am serving in a small branch right now. The attendance is very low. Especially this past week we only had like 20 people here. Only one of our investigators came to church, so that was a bit disappointing. We do participate a whole lot in our Branch on Sunday. We normally do the sacrament every week, and teach Sunday School. The missionaries also have to teach priesthood every once and a while, and give talks. The branch really depends on us. In our township, the black people are very interested about the gospel. The members that live there are normally pretty good to spread the gospel. Especially one of our members Sister Irene. She is really awesome. She invites people to come to her house so we can teach them. One thing is we don't have many members to work with. I think there are a lot of inactive people. WE need to look through the records, and start visiting the less actives to we can have more help in the work. I think it would be great to be able to set up a Group in Emba. This would really help Emba explode. I think we have enough leaders to have a Group leader there as like the bishop.

I am so glad you go to talk to Remington.  I have been emailing Remi basically every week, and I told him to come visit you. He is such a great kid. I have really enjoyed emailing him throughout my mission. He has been sick for a very long time. He has had sicknesses on and off over basically his whole mission. I am sure he is glad to finally be feeling better. I am so glad you were able to visit with him. I hope he can recover quick so he can make it back out. He is probably a wonderful missionary, because he is a wonderful kid that always kept me straight through High School. 

I am continuing to try to get along with Elder Dye. I am able to handle this and it is really helping me to grow in different ways. I am comfortable around him, I just really like to spend time with the other missionaries instead.  Things are getting  better than it were a few weeks ago.  

That would be really fun to go to the new Mission Presidents farewell. We get our new president sometime next transfer, but I am not sure of the day. I don't see President Omer much. I see him at transfers, and at Zone conferences that happen every other transfer, so not very often. 

 Thank you for the pictures.   I can still look at pictures in dropbox, and I really enjoy looking at them still. I will try to load some on next week.

This week went well for me as far as teaching. I am really enjoying teaching, and oddly I am enjoying tracing, like knocking on people’s gates. We have found some cool families lately, and I hope they will continue to progress. I really enjoy the work, and am so grateful for the gospel. I enjoy my study every morning, and love learning more about the gospel. The more I learn the more my testimony grows, and I know this church is true even more. I am so grateful to be a missionary, even though it is super hard and challenging at times. I am grateful to be here, and I really enjoy sharing the gospel with people. I love to see the difference the gospel makes in people's lives. It is really one of my favorite things about missionary work. 

I will miss you and the family a lot this week. I know I am where I should be though, and things will continue on without me. Just know I am praying for you. I will be there in spirit. I hope you can get everything ready, and that you won't be too stressed out. Remember I love you. 


Your son
Elder Mitchell Brown. 

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