south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 9 - 11/18/13

The week has gone well. It has been kind of a long week though. I am very glad that it is over and a new week has begun. We had some tough lessons, and just some really long days. I have been pretty tired this whole week, and I'm sure this is why I am catching a cold.It has deffinetly been getting much hotter here. The heat is getting pretty bad, and it is pretty hot with a collar on. There have been no mesquitos in my area, so no worries about Malaria.  I miss the snow, and it would be nice to have right now because it is so hot. You asked about some of the people we are teaching. In my area it is all black. I have only seen one other white person there.  All the people we teach are black. We have a lot of investigators, plus we are busy visiting less active members in our ward.  The people are humble. In the area we serve we drive about 18Kilometers to get there.  Most of the homes are one room , but I wouldn't exactly call them shacks.  Most have one big bed,  a little makeshift kitchen with a cooktop and little oven, some chairs, and believe it or not a TV.  I feel very humble and grateful because these nice members these small homes still feed us a big meal, even if they don't have much.  All of these little room homes have electricity.  Water and toilets are outside the home and shared between homes.  I see a change in peoples eyes as I teach them.  I know I am doing the Lord's work.  I miss home but know I am doing the right thing.LoveElder Mitchell Brown

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