south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, April 13, 2015

April 13, 15

Dear Mom,

Well it has been a great week here. I guess it has been a bit slow teaching but we have been busy with other things.
I am glad to hear that you are doing good, and that the family is all safe and happy. That is really cool that Jessica got her mission call. I remember you said something about her maybe being interested! I am excited for her! That is also cool to hear about all the other missionaries from our ward that will be going out.  I got your letters this last week!! I guess that means that the package should be here shortly I hope!!  Don’t worry if not here for my birthday.  I am sure that it will be here this week or next. We had a fun Easter Egg hunt at members house with their son Micheal. it was really nice to have it actually feel like Easter. Glad Sister Pieneer sent pictures. 
My new companion Elder Jackson is great! We get along great, and work really good together. I guess just being with someone you like gives you a lot of motivation. I really have been motivated to work hard since I have been with him. I guess we have become really good friends! He says that he will definitely sing happy birthday to me! 

We have been doing really good with the "Because He Lives" campaign . We have still been passing out the cards and we have a big car magnet that we drive around with. We have not yet done a big thing in our area. The day we had scheduled this last week it started raining pretty hard, so we had to cancel it. We are trying to set it up sometime this week. It will be really good for our area. Even if we just find one good investigator from all the card we pass out, it will be worth it! I will take some pictures when we do it here in our area so you can see how we are using our banner and the cards!

It sounds like the trip up to Salt Lake was pretty fun. I am glad you got to spend some time with Ashley and Dave. We got to watch Conference this weekend. We were pretty busy with that all day Saturday and Sunday! Conference was pretty great though! I really loved the talks. I especially loved the Saturday sessions! I would encourage you to keep reading the Saturday ones. it was crazy to hear the people yelling no during the sustaining! I guess it really just strengthened my testimony of the prophet and the twelve. 

Thanks for keeping in touch with Marshall. 
That is fun to hear about Randall and Katrina and new job.  Wish Blake good luck as he is approaching finals.  Hope all goes well. 

It was a bit of a slow week lesson wise. We have been staying pretty busy though. I guess a big thing we have been doing is less active hunting. The Elders quorum gave us a list of people to check on. The disappointing thing though is most of them have moved, so I don't know if they are less active, or just lost!! I guess we will keep doing that for the ward. We have really been trying to work with the ward to get referrals mostly. I guess that really is the best way to work. We haven't really gotten any yet, but I am sure it will start to pay off. We are going to find some creative ways to find this week because we really need new investigators. 
I am excited because Wilahmina and Ester just got back yesterday, and we are seeing them again. They are still on date to be baptized on the 26th of April. We will be just preparing them and stuff. 
We got to go to the temple on Friday, and that was amazing! It is always nice to just get out of the world and be in the temple! It is such a holy and peaceful place! 
We have really still been working with Jackie. She is so great, but she has really been struggling with her smoking. She even relapsed to drinking, and she hasn't drunk in forever! I guess we will just keep supporting her and trying to help her towards baptism. She is a great lady, and she really has come a long way! 
One of our other cool investigators is Precilla. I guess she didn't come to conference, and she promised she would. I guess that is how we see how serious people are though! i hope that she will keep progressing though! We were pretty strait with her this last week. She asked what it means if this church is true, like if her church is still true. We had to tell her strait, I guess through bearing our testimonies that if the Book of Mormon is true, this is the only true church. She accepted it, but she still hasn't come to church to see if it is true. 
We also have like two other investigators that just got back from Easter vacation, so that will be good for this week. 
I guess the two spiritual highlights of the week were The temple and conference. I am so glad that we have the temple, and I hope that they will get the one in Cedar going soon. I am grateful for a living prophet, and the guidance we receive during conference. 

WE are going to the Zoo in Jo-burg today with Sister Masters! I will get some good pictures of that. I will also get some good pictures of my birthday and stuff! I am not sure what we will do still. Sister Masters wanted to through me a little party, so we will see what happens there! I love you and I hope that you have a great week!! Tell everyone else I love them, and Hello.

Your son

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