south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 75 - February 23, 2015

Dear Mom, 

Well another great week here. I am so glad to hear that you received my little package! I looked at the pictures in drop box, and I am glad that you enjoyed them. I was pretty excited to get a package together to send to you, and it was so nice to have him delivering it so quick. 

I had the scripture case and hymn book, but I went on a quick little shopping trip on Tuesday to an African Market. I hope that you liked the stuff, I didn't have to much time to shop around other places. I thought you would like the necklace, but sorry they aren't too African! Thank you for distributing everything. I saw Mr. Allan on Sunday, and he offered to take something back, and so I got stuff together and took it to him on Tuesday night. He was so kind to bring it, and I am glad that he brought it by on Thursday. 

I am glad you enjoyed the cap and goggles picture. That is about as close to swimming as I can get! That is cool that Calvin got through Senior state! It sounds like a lot of swimming, and driving back and forth to St George. That is still weird to think that Calvin can just drive himself there! It sounds like a lot of the SUSA swimmers did pretty well, at least for senior state. There are so many good swimmers there! 

Well It sounds like your presidents holiday was like a spring holiday! That is so crazy that you could drive all the way up the mountain without hitting any snow! That means you guys are pretty desperate for storms. That is great though that you got a small snow storm this past week! That is good that Calvin is hanging out with Tyler and having fun with him. He seems like a good kid! 

 I am staying pretty healthy overall! I got another spider biter though like the one I got back in December! This one was about as bad, but I have already been on an antibiotic all week, and it has gotten a lot better! It has basically healed already, so don't worry about it ha! Other than that I am doing great with health. I have not gotten a cold or anything in a long time! I am sorry to hear you have, or had a cold. I hope you can get over it, and stop breathing through a straw! 
The members have been pretty good to take and send pictures to you. I am glad that they are doing that. The temperature have cooled down a bit this last week, but it is still hot on a lot of days! We have gotten rain like once this last week.

 We do stay pretty cool in our flat, but it gets pretty hot sometimes. With the fans and opening the windows it helps a lot though! We are able to have the windows open at night without mosquitoes. I don't know why we were so worried about bugs and stuff when I left, because I have had no problem with them, except my little spider friends! 

The week has been pretty good. We just have the same schedule everyday. We wake up and go running every other morning. Get back to the flat and shower and study. At about 11 we leave the flat to go see people. On Tuesday we normally see Willamina and Ester, and a few other people. On Wednesdays we normally go do service with Jackie at her little truck shop/concession stand. This is like the lunch room at the school. We just get stuff for the kids, and then we bag extra food that they get to send home with the kids. We actually didn't do that on Wednesday because she cancelled, but we did it later on Friday. On Wednesday we also go sing at the old folks home Abby Cross. no Wednesday Night we went and ate with Sister Masters, and a missionary that served here back in 2013. He was back here for someone’s wedding in the ward, and we ate with him and his wife. He is a South African, Afrikaans(white) guy, and his wife is from Louisiana. That was a really fun dinner. we just joked around and laughed a lot. We taught Jackie twice this week! On Friday night after doing service for her, and on Sunday afternoon. She is so nice to feed us every time we see her. It makes me feel bad sometimes. She is so cool though. Our lessons with her are so spiritual. I love how I can just look at her though and see how she would be changed as a member. I think this is just seeing part of heavenly fathers love and vision for her. I love to look at investigators and see them how they would be with the gospel in there lives. 
I guess we did have a cool experience with Thoko. She has been really stressed, and not sure what has been going on. She messaged us and said she didn't want us to come any more. We went to place to meet with another girl, and we finished some service we were doing for her. We had been putting together a dresser for her, so we finished it. She then sent us a message that said you guys are awesome, and I want to see you next week. That really was a miracle! It was just a really cool experience. It just shows how important serving people is. 
We are also teaching this lady named Nurse. She lives with a member, but it is funny the member really doesn't know the gospel either, so we are basically teaching them both ha!! She came to church for the first time yesterday and loved it. She was used to the "happy clappy churches." I guess where they just clap and sing and have drums and guitars. She really loved church, and the spirit that was there. I guess we are just going slow with here because she doesn't have the best understanding. 
We are hoping to have a few baptisms next month! Jackie should have quite smoking, and then Willamina and Ester. We still need to find new people here. We only have like 5 good investigators. The members have been good with referrals, and that has helped. In this area tracting, like knocking doors, or ringing bells at gates isn't effective! We have really just been trying to work with members! That is our best way of going about the work here. 
It is just so nice to share the gospel with people. I love seeing how it changes them. I really feel that I can feel heavenly fathers love for the people I am teaching! That is one of the coolest feelings ever. I guess even if i am not teaching a lot, the teaching I am doing is growing my testimony so much! I am so glad for the experiences I have everyday.
Well I wish  you a good week. I hope dad doesn't die trying to teach all those annoying scouts! Good luck preparing for Festival, and Know I am rooting for you! I love you


Elder Brown

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