south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 71 - Feb. 1, 2015

Dear Mom

Well another week down, and only 26 to go haha!! It has been a pretty good week here! I guess it has been a bit of a slower week in terms of teaching investigators. We have still been teaching a lot of members and less actives. It was a great Sunday Yesterday. I always enjoy just going to church and feeling of the spirit. Next week is our Ward Conference, so I am looking forward to that! I am doing great, and really enjoy my work. this is a great area, and we do have great investigators, even though we only have like 4 good investigators. We really need to find more people to teach. But we should have a couple baptisms next month!  
 It sounds like it was a spiritually uplifting weekend with all the great talks given at stake conference! Dad did send his talk, so I will have to read through that! by the way he described it, it sounds like a great talk and topic!

I'm glad you liked the pictures of Sandton, and Joburg! I also sent some of us at the temple. We took pictures in joburg by the Vodocom or point tower apartments when we were there teaching.  Just like you said - gangs moved into the building and it is very unsafe.  It is know as the crime center where it use to be the high end neighborhood of Hillbrow.  We were standing at a place called prayer hill. People go up there and pray outloud and even baptize each other and just crazy stuff!! But yeah it is a very scary area! We are not allowed  to teach there, and that is why the missionaries were taken out of that area. Hilbrow is a really scary area that is just very ghetto! 

Well it sounds like the region swimming went great!! That is cool to hear that the boys and the girls won region. That hasn't happened since Blake was a senior. I hope that the swimmers were pleased with there times and things. That is good to hear Calvin improved his times! It sounds like he has a hard decision on his hands though with the events that he will swim. I hope that he can make a decision and be happy with it. That is a bit sad that other swimmers were dropping a lot of time and moving him up in placement. I hope that he isn't discouraged about that. 

We are still working hard, and striving for the goals that we have set.
 Willamina is doing great. She lives in a little room thing at the side of the house she works at. Her daughter Ester lives with her. We are teaching both of them, and they both have come to church the last 2 Sundays. She also has a son, but not sure where he is. 
Jackie is probably our best investigator. So i will tell you the story with Nathan. He started going to church with a friend when he was 5. He went faithfully until he was ten. He wanted to be baptized when he was 10. He was taught with his mom (Jackie), and Nathan was baptized. She has had problems with the Word of wisdom for a while, so that is why she wasn't baptized with him. She has been a great support of him though. He has had a great family that still takes him to church every week, the Pieenar family. That Pieenar boy is the one that just left on his mission to the Salt Lake West mission. But we now have Jackie on date to be baptized on March 15th. We are really working with her smoking, and she has improved a lot! 

It sounds like everyone is great. I am glad to hear that Blake is popping in. I hope that he is doing good with school! That is fun to hear about Katrina, and hope that she can keep doing well with her school. 
 I am glad that Ashley is doing well. I hope that she had fun dressing up in all her costumes! She always has such fun costumes! I will have to check out the pictures!

 I am doing great with Elder Peterson. Like you said it is great to be open and talk and help one another. I think Elder Peterson and I have really done that. We have been really open about our feelings and what we want, and it has really helped us to work good together.  He is the 3 in his family. He has an older brother, and older sister, and then a younger brother. he went to school for a semester at Utah state and studied biology. He wants to maybe do like lab science of some sort. He just turned 20, and he is now just over a year on his mission. He is a great guy! 

Well with obedience that is something I have really wanted to get better at the last 6 months. I know obedience brings great peace and safety.   this month is the  Month of Miracles. President Dunn has challenged us all to be exactly obedient this month, and we will see miracles happen in our mission. It is a great way for me to kick of my last 6 months! I really want to be obedient to the Lord commandments. I have found that the Lord really gives us commandments to bless us, and help us reach our full potential of happiness. I hope to keep seeing this in my life. 

I hope that you have a great week. I love you!

Your son
Elder Brown

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