south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, April 28, 2014

Week 32 - April 28, 14

Dear Mom,
Well it has been on my mind a lot about Skyping on Mothers Day.   Thank you for making options. that makes it a lot easier for me. 
I would probably say Option C, where it is afternoon for me and early morning for you. That would be just before Levi farewell.  Can you Skype from Orem, and would you be in at the hotel or Roberts?  Really anything works for me. We have church at 9 am to 12 pm here. So that is the only conflict I have. Let me know if this is best by next week.

I am a bit nervous about transfers tomorrow, but not too nervous. I will be just fine. I am a lot more used to mission life, and I know it will be fine. I will most likely only stay with new companion for 6 weeks. In preparation for transfers we drove from Secunda to Roodeport today because Elder Barton from my district is training, so he had a meeting. We are emailing from Roodeport right now, and staying at the mission home tonight. 

WE have a few pictures together, but we will get another one today for sure. I am sorry I have not sent you any pictures of my companion.  Elder Cuzier most likely will transfer tomorrow.  He has been a great companion, and I am super grateful for him. He has taught me a lot. I will use a lot I learned from him through out my mission. I will thank him for you also. 

Well our most promising investigator is Leohba. She is the sister to a great member. She was actually baptized yesterday. I forgot to tell you last week this was happening. She is a great lady. I don't have my camera with me now, but I will send you a picture of her baptism. I baptized her, and it was a bit difficult. The water in the font was very shallow, so her feet came up twice. I had to baptize her 3 times!! That was a bit hectic, but it worked out great. We have a few more investigators, but not many progressing a lot because we struggle to get them to come to church. 

I did not get package from Toni and Greg yet. I will let you know when I get it. I should see zone leaders tomorrow. I think it would be very cool to have you come pick me up. It would be cool to come back another time with family, but the flight is pretty bad! Let me know how you feel, because I think it would be cool either way. 

Sorry I am out of time, so email short. We didn't get much time in email shop. I did watch conference this last weekend, and I really enjoyed it. I will get talks in print and read again. I love you, and appreciate all you do for me. I love what I am doing, and glad I am here. I know this church is true with all my heart. 


Your Son

Elder Brown 

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