south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, December 2, 2013

December 1, 2013 - Week 11

Dear Family and Friends 
All is well here. My week has gone much better than last week. We still are struggling with lessons cancelling, but even the lessons I do teach are helping to uplift me every day. This is what keeps me going is feeling the spirit speaking through me during lessons. I am pretty exhausted every day, but it is a miracle  I keep pushing forward no matter what. 

We went out to eat with one of our good members brother Thato on Thanksgiving. Other than that we just had a normal day.  I was very thankful for all i have. I love this time of thanksgiving. I have found as i pray when i pray for more i am thankful for it helps a lot. The weather hasnt been to bad lately. It is really cool all the lightining we get here. Joberg is the lightning capital of the world. It reminds me of the lightning storms we had before i left. 

I have gotten better at teaching the lessons.  when I first got out I would just sit during lessons, and bare testimony of the things Elder Brasher had said.  Now I am leading lessons and sometimes doing most of the talking.  this has made the work lots more fun.  The days go by much faster.  When I start speaking my mouth is just filled with words.  On some lessons I can just keep rambling on about one topic. I know I am being helped. 

Our area is going well.  We have several investigators we are meeting with.  In our area of Hospital View there are many different situations of living.  The people are very interesting.  There are some nice homes, one room homes, and then tin shacks.  We are meeting people in all sorts of situations.  I see the humble situations people are living in and it is very humbling.  They have no idea of the things they are missing out on.  They are still very happy with what they have.  There are townships and squatter camps.  The township has electricity and the squatter camp doesn't.  

The activity in our ward is really down.  We have working hard to get some members back to church.  Our ward is still struggling but definitely improving.  We do have some really good member families.  We probably get fed around 3 to 4 times a week.  

Thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you for the support as I am on my mission.  I miss you but know I am doing the right thing.  
Elder Mitchell Brown

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