south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, December 29, 2014

Week 66 - December 29, 14

Dear Mom,

It has been a great Christmas time here. It really still doesn't seem
like Christmas at all!! it was great to talk to you on Christmas day!

Don’t worry -  I felt great after talking to you on Christmas. I think it is
because I know that I don't have anymore Christmas’s here, and that I
will see you in about 7 months. I don't think it was much of a let
down having the holidays over here. I think it is a great relief
because the work will start again. Also Christmas's are great here
because really as a missionary I get to focus on the true meaning of
Christmas, and I don't see any of the traditions and things from home.
I think to be honest I will miss these simple Christmas's with a focus
on the Savior.

 That is awesome that you finally got snow. Sound like fun to go snow boarding. That is awesome that they now have all the lifts open with
getting that much snow.

Well the baking went great.  I made cookies and I did make frosting for my cookies, and they were really good!! I also made some brownies. I didn't make the fudge or anything else. I wanted to make chocolate chip cookies, but I couldn't find shortening here??

It sounds like you had a great Christmas eve with Evan and his family!!
Well it sounds like Christmas was really fun and busy. I am sure
Tyler's family had a good time visiting Jason. I hope it wasn't too
hard on him.I hope that Jason is not struggling too much.
 That is fun all the cousins were there for the party. That
is cool that Roberts family is there now to join.

Well that is awesome you got to talk to Marshall. I talked to him for
like 15 minutes on Christmas Eve.
I am glad that he is still doing great!!  I saw that his mom got a little people nativity set, and she specially ordered missionaries for it of me and Marshall!!

I think if you want you can start sending letters, but I
think they will still take a long time to get here. I don't think you
should try and send a package yet. I have received some of your letters from September.
 I am also happy to do some summer activities with you when i get
home. like trying out the new trailer up the mountain, and maybe going to the lake or California.  Water somewhere because I need water!!

I don't feel too bad about not seeing Grandma. I am sure she was busy
getting the breakfast ready when we were talking. I am glad she got to see Levi.  But that is really weird that Jessica is thinking about mission.    I thought she was like 16 still! But that is cool she is thinking about serving.

Well I hope that Marcus's wedding goes well. I am sure they are
excited to have the twins home this week!! Weird to think they
are done with there missions!!

Our Christmas party was really fun. It started at 9, and they
served us breakfast outside and it was really warm and nice out. It
was a great breakfast. While we were eating they drove up a truck and
trailer all decorated and they handed out gifts to us that were all
wrapped. In this gift there was a tie, socks, flashlight, pen,
chap stick, a journal, and a copy of President's CD, so now I have two
of them!! (you sent one in the package I got from September)
After that we were all filled inside the chapel. We were going to
watch a weird cartoon Christmas movie, and part way in they switched
it to Meet the Mormons. President Dunn really surprised us with it. He
was telling us before that there was no way he could get it. But he
knows some guys from the church communication, so he pulled some
strings. After the movie they gave us another gift full of like candy
and things. Then we changed into our sports clothes, and just hung out
and played some sports. That was the Christmas party. It was a lot
better than last year for sure!!!

Well this week we haven't done much teaching. Probably only like
10 lessons. I guess we were busy, but mostly people were just really
busy!! We hope that later this week we will be able to contact most of
our investigators again and set up appointment with them. We have been trying to teach more less actives, and find where they live through
members, but members haven't helped much.

My sore is improving a lot. It looks a lot better now. I will send
you a picture of it maybe later today. The red infection has gone
down, and the scab has now come out and it is healing well. I am
finished with my antibiotic now. I think it will probably be healed in
a few days from now.

I miss you a lot as well. It would have been nice just to keep
chatting for a few hours. I am also happy to be here, and I am glad
that I have learned so much. I hope that I can continue to be a good
example. I do know what I am doing is right!! I really do love
missionary work even though I do complain a lot I feel like. I am a
great peace, and I am very happy. I am very comfortable in the work,
and sharing my testimony with those I meet. I do also have a great
testimony of the things I am teaching. I have gained such a great
testimony as I have been here. I know the testimony that I have gained
here will be a foundation for the rest of my life. I am so glad again
that I got to see you on Christmas. I love you and hope you have a
good week.

Your son

Elder Brown

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