south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, December 8, 2014

December 8, 14 - Week 63

Dear Mom and Dad

Well this week has been a good one. We have been busy this week, and taught more lessons. We have still been struggling a lot with teaching investigators, but we met a lot of recent converts this last week. We have continued our finding efforts, and we have not had a ton of success. We go out for about an hour a day and just walk around the streets and talk to people. This is the most effective way in our area. I really don't like knocking on doors because it just isn't very effective. I have in my past area's, but not really her in Voosloros.  

A bit of a disappointment yesterday at church. We only had 2 investigators come to church. In the past we have had about 10 every week. Our investigators aren't really leaving for the holidays, they are just not serious anymore, and we need to drop them. They have been cancelling appointments, and not coming to church. It has been a bit frustrating, but we are working through it. 
At the moment our most promising investigator is Zanle. She has been coming to church for about 5 weeks. She is so interested in the gospel, and has so many questions for us. We saw her 2 times this last week. I will keep you up to speed on a baptism date. 
During the Holiday people go "home", like were there family is from. Most people head to Limpopo. Also people just get very busy with the holidays, so they don't have time for us as missionaries, especially our investigators because they don't really have us at the top of their priorities. The members and recent converts will still let us come and teach them. The children get out of school most of December. Most of them end this week. It is there summer break. So they start into a new school year in January. They only get like one month for summer. 

 I am able to see dropbox pictures.  I really enjoy getting your pictures. It is fun to see family and events that are taking place at home. I will keep trying to take more pictures of my area and send them to you. 

I will put some pictures on later of me getting my package!!! Yes - I finally got the package you sent back in August. It has been all cut open, and then taped back together. I think everything was inside, except maybe some candy. I really enjoyed your fun decorations of the box!! That was a cool creative idea- fun to celebrate my One Year Mark 3 months late. So I guess some mail coming through – did not get any letters. 

It is weird to think Christmas is here. It doesn't' seem like it at all here. I still think it is because it is not cold and there is no snow. That is how I have always known Christmas. I guess either way it is coming. I am sure you are happy to get your decorations up, and the lights on. I miss seeing all the decorations, because really no one here puts them up, and to me that is part of the Christmas spirit. I always appreciated how pretty all your   decorations are. 

It sounds like life is busy, with planning for Christmas parties, and putting them together. I am sure you had the ward amazed at the Christmas party with your nativity. We will be having our Christmas party this Saturday the 13th. I miss the Christmas music – good luck with Messiah this next week.
I can't believe that Calvin will be getting his license possibly next week. He doesn't seem that old yet!! I am sure it will be nice for you so he can help run Carson around and do stuff for you. I am sure he is super excited.  Tell him Happy Birthday and I am sorry I can not mail anything to him. 

The swim team continues to do well it sounds like. I love hearing about there success and that they are still winning there meets. That is too bad they won't swim against Park city until state. I am sure they can beat them if they keep working hard!! 
 It has been pretty hot this last week. We haven't got much rain this week. Some rain comes later in the evenings. Normally it is really really hot from like 10-5, then it will rain. It is still nice in our apartment. We have fans that keep it pretty cool in there, and it still cools off at night. We can open the windows to cool off, but then we get mosquitoes. 

 I am doing ok with my companion. His English is coming a long well. He is still not very good at teaching, so it seems like I am teaching like all the time. I a lot of times just sit there and I have to make him talk. He is getting better at teaching, but he is just not really confident enough yet.

You asked where I took those pictures last week.   The shopping mall we go to is closer to Jo-burg. We email in downtown Germiston at an internet cafĂ©, then we drive to Befordview to Eastgate mall. It is a really new mall,  really big and nice!! 

Well Vosloorus is like any other township. The standard of living is just like town really. It is all black people that live there. there really are no shacks in township. Everyone has a home, the homes are just small. The blacks really have just as many opportunities as the whites, so their standard of living is the same. The blacks though really don't priorities the use of their money. They buy super nice cars like BMW, Mercedes, Audi’s. They do this while still living in township and living is a small home. The only difference between township and town is no white people, and it is a bit dirtier. I will try to take more pictures. 

I have seen that really without the gospel in our lives there is something missing. I have gained such a strong testimony as I have been here. I really don't think I could ever turn away from the church or it's teachings. Everything just makes so much sense, and I have felt the spirit too many times. I am grateful for the wonderful experiences I have everyday. Thank you for the constant love and support. i am truly grateful for everything. I know the work I am doing is true, even though it gets very tiring sometimes. I am grateful for the gospel in my life. I am especially grateful for you and mom, and the way you raised me. I have known from little what was wrong and right, and how to follow the gospel.

 I do still have my tree, and I will hang it up!! I can print things off, but it gets expensive. I am at an internet cafe to email. If I was at the church it would be free. I would love peoples emails but I will not have time to respond, and if they send messages to print I could print some but not a lot.

That sounds like a good plan for skyping. I think that will work just fine from 7-9. We can plan on that for now, and keep talking about it as we get closer. We will have a Christmas party in the morning and then go to church after  1 which is 5am for you.  I am grateful for your love and encouragement. I hope you have a good week. keep smiling!! You are in my prayers

Your son

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