south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 9, 14 - Week 59

Dear Mom and Dad

Well the highlight of the week was the Baptism of Sister
Mbali. She was baptized yesterday. She asked me to baptize her, and I
told her I would be honored. It was a really cool experience. She is
the most converted of any of the people I have baptized.  I
got some good pictures of the baptism, so I will send those.

I guess we did have a bit of a slow week with teaching lessons. We had
a lot of lessons cancel on us. It is always hard when that happens
because you were expecting to teach, then you have nothing to do. We
taught only 18 lessons total this week. We are normally teaching more
like 25.  Manthole and Kgoagelo are on date to be baptized for the 30th of this month, so we will see if that happens. They are still coming to
church, but they have been ditching our appointments lately. They are
cool guys, and I think they will be baptized eventually.  Pray that they can stay true to their commitments and hope they can keep baptism date.  We also have a cool guy named Mandle. I have been teaching him since Elder Zebe was here. He has come to church like every week. He really loves the gospel, and he is gaining a testimony quick. He is supposed to be baptized next month. We are also teaching this cool lady named Mapulo. She lives with one of our members Mama Dikobe. She has come to church the last 2 weeks. 

We did a lot of driving this week. On Monday we had to drive to this guys house on that takes care of the cars to get a bike rack on  the car.
We lost our phone on the way there, so we had to drive back to the
mission office on Tuesday. It was a bit of a hassle to loose our phone,
because we lost everyone's number from our phone. We then went to the temple on Friday. Going to the temple was an amazing experience. I really love going to the temple, and getting the strength from there. We had to get up early to get to the temple. We went to the 8 o'clock session, and they want us sitting down by 7:00.  So we had to leave our flat by 6:00 a.m.  to beat the traffic. So I was super
tired. Also after the temple we went to Burger King. Not sure if I
told you  but in February a couple Burger Kings opened here. So that is
cool to go there because it is like home.

I hope by the time you read this email you have got some rest.
It sounds like you have had a super busy weekend, but when don't you. You are such a good lady for all the help you give to others. From doing everything for the swim team, a Suzuki thing, and the primary program, that I'm sure was above and beyond.
I have always looked up to your kindness and compassion, and you always helping with everything. As dad would say "you can never say no." I have always admired that.

Well that is fun that the swim season has kicked off again!! I only
have to miss it one more year. I think it will be really fun when I
get home to go to the High School meets and watch Calvin and Carson
swim on the team. That is cool that Calvin still has the same times
that he had at state. That means he can improve a lot through out the
year. The first meet always seems to be the slowest times. I am
excited to hear more about his meets and times. I bet he is glad to
have that Ferley Invitational over. That was a pretty stressful meet
because there were so many people there.

That is really cool that you got to go see the Rebers speak. That is
nice that Bishop Hulet invited you. His son Josh Hulet played
water polo with me.  He swam with me and
Blake. That is also a connection I had with the Reber's. I am sure
they did a great job with there talks, and I am sure it was a cool
experience for you. I am sure they had a fun time talking to you. President and Sister Reber were wonderful to me in the MTC and made a big difference in helping me adjust to mission life. 

Well I am glad the Dunn's are keeping you informed on the mail and postal strike, becauseI haven't heard anything. I don't even know what is going on with it.I guess you can try to take his council and not send anything. ReallyI can buy stuff here just fine. Like today I will be buying my African Gown, and stuff from Elder Zebe, so I will already be spending a lot of money, and then if I buy a suit later. You can just save the money from the package and I will just buy things.

Well the weather has been pretty nice this last week. It hasn't
been too hot. It has been really pleasant, and it has been raining a
lot. We even woke up to rain today. It is into the rainy season now. I
guess the days it doesn't rain though it is pretty hot. I am pretty
used to it now though. Our flat doesn't get too hot. We have two fans,
and there are enough windows to keep it cool. We have a window in each
room. If I am every hot is out in the area in the sun, not inside the

That is awesome that people are still asking about me. It seems like
because I can't remember many people from back home they don't
remember me. It is really nice to know that there are so many people
supporting me and mindful of me. That is cool that Michelle Gross had
her parents serve here in South Africa. That is cool that they brought
things back.

I am planning on getting a lot of souvenirs before I come home
because they are super cheap. I'm not sure if I can find Christmas
ornaments, but I will look. The Chips, or crisps as they call them here(chips are french fries)are mostly the same. They have Lays potato chips, and Dorittos. That was nice of Michelle to give you an ornament, and south africa chips ?? haha 

That is cool to hear that the Senate is majority republican now. I saw
on my calendar this week that is was election day. I wasn't sure what
election though, so that is good I now know.

I am doing well with my companion.  He also doesn't understand English super well still, so I am still teaching him more.  I guess the rest of the week was just the same old boring stuff.
Nothing really new. Just the same old mission routine.
You asked if I go to gym like in Sucunda.   We don't go to the gym, but I basically have one in the flat. We
work out almost every night, and I am still dieting pretty well. It
feels really good to work out and diet. It gives me more energy and
makes me just feel good about myself.

I didn't get many pictures this week , but I will send what ones
I got from the baptism.  I love you and I am always thinking about you. Have an amazing week.

Your Son
Elder Brown

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