south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 16, 14 - Week 60

Dear Mom and Dad
Had a good week.  The Primary Program took place in our ward this Sunday and it was a wonderful spiritual experience.   I love hearing the kids sing and present their parts. The primary here is pretty small I guess, like 30 to 40 kids. I just love the simple messages that they shared about the importance of the family, and how we can be together forever. I love the primary songs, they carry such strong gospel messages.
I think I am having spiritual experiences come I guess every day. I really can feel the spirit every time I tell someone we are teaching the gospel is true. I have such a strong testimony of the gospel now. The spirit testifies to me the truth of the things I am teaching almost every day. It is pretty cool to have that happen.

The baptism was very fun. I am glad you enjoyed the pictures. I took a few more this week that I will upload later today. I haven't got any pictures by a jackaranda tree yet, that you asked me to look for.  I will try to see one this week, they are a beautiful purple color right now.  Blooming trees like we have in US in the springtime.   I really enjoy pictures, and so I will try to take more and send to you. 

So those toilets I sent pictures of are in most people's back yards in township. Most people in Vosloorus all have toilets inside now, but then another in the back. We just decided to take pictures by it for fun. I think most townships at the beginning of Apartheid did not have plumbing, so they had these public toilets they put in to help clean up the townships. 
I am doing alright with Elder Maraetefau. We have fun together, and get a long pretty well. Sometime his English is a not super good, so he says things that are not correct and I have to help him.  But other than that we are doing great together.  I don't think you need to feel obligated to go to Elder Zebe homecoming. I just thought it would be fun when he was my companion. He will be coming home next week.  He will be going up to Utah State the first of January , so maybe he can just stop by the house and visit you.

It's fun to hear you are starting to have winter weather and getting snow this early in the season. I know last year you got barley any snow. I am sure the cold weather is no fun. I think I will die when I get home to the cold weather. I think like 40-50 is cold. I put on a sweater when it is like 60 degrees haha!! Speaking of the weather we have been getting a lot of rain this past week. Only a few days that it didn't rain. The days we didn't get rain it was pretty hot. It gets probably like 80's-90's the days it doesn't rain. I can tell the hot summer weather is on the way.

Still going strong with the cello recitals. I am glad you got it over with, and that everything went well. That is fun that you saw the Gunters there. I hope they are doing well. I need to send them an email. I still talk to Marshall every week.

It sounds like the swimming is going great. You and dad are still officiating. I hope you aren't too tired from that. You are good parents to do that. It sounds like Calvin is doing amazing with his times. I can't wait to hear more about his progress, and especially see him swim next season. You will have to wish the team luck for me this next week as they are swimming.

Thank you for the scripture thoughts. They really help, and especially as I am not getting your written letters. I miss your scriptures and spiritual thoughts.  That is cool to hear that missionaries are continually leaving from our ward. I am sure there are a lot out from our Mesa Hills ward now. I am glad that you enjoyed the two farewells.  

I feel bad about not being able to get mail and packages for Christmas but mainly because I know you feel bad.  I will definitely buy myself a Christmas present. I would rather you but that $150 in my account so I can just buy things. Like last week and this week I am paying elder Zebe for thing he is selling me that he does not want to take home.  In December I will also probably buy a suit and I will wrap it up as my Christmas. 

I am able to copy pictures and letters from email.  So then I can just read them later. So you can send Christmas letters that way. That would be great to have family and friends forward Christmas messages by email. 

Well transfers will be next week on Tuesday, so in 8 days. I am really not sure what will be happening. I want to stay here with Elder Maraetefau for one more transfer and Christmas, but I might get transferred. I will get transfer news this week on Friday, and I will let you know next week on Monday.

We really have no plans for Thanksgiving. I guess I will probably just go out to eat or something like that. Thanksgiving is not celebrated here, so no one know what it is.

Well I guess everything else is going well. Not really anything exciting going on, just the same old stuff. The week has been good, but our investigators have been cancelling on us a lot. Like Kgaogelo and Manthole, are investigators that where to get baptized the end of November, we didn't see once this week. We normally see them 2-3 times a week. I guess we will see if they are ready for baptism by the end of this month. It is just stressful to determine if someone is actually ready to make covenants or not. I will keep you updated on there status. Other than that the week has been pretty good.

I am glad to hear all is going well back home. I was looking at a globe yesterday, and it is still weird to think I am all the way around the world!! I hope all continues to go well there. I look forward to hearing from you next week about stuff. Love you and have a good week.

Your Son

Elder Brown

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