south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014 - Week 38

Dear Mom, 
Transfer week - So I was thinking that I would leave Secunda. The transfer news came on Saturday, and I am staying here in Secunda with Elder Dye. I am actually pretty happy about this. I wanted to stay because we have people here that are really progressing, and some possible baptisms coming up. We won't even be going to transfers, where we travel into the mission home,  because no one is leaving here from Secunda. 

I appreciate your telling me all about the wedding, and  I did look at all the pictures in Dropbox last week!! It was really fun to see everything that happened! I really enjoyed looking through all the pictures.

You said you where having a big ward party and asked if we did ward activities. My branch hasn't had any activities since I have been here. It don't think they have the budget for it. Yesterday we had our branch conference, so the stake was all here. It was nice because we as the missionaries didn't have to do everything! It reminded me a lot of dad, as the brethren travel to different wards and branches.

I am excited for you and think it is fun that you finally got "your cabin" up kannarra  mountain. Dad told me a bit about this also, and it sounds like you got it up there pretty well. That is great that there is water up the mountain! It seems like with your winter there wouldn't have been much water. I think it is doing things like this that I miss most, but it doesn't really make me homesick. I guess I just look forward to doing it again. 

Sorry it is getting hot in Cedar.   It has cooled off a lot here. We have had a lot of nights getting below zero. I would have never thought it would get this cold in Africa! One day it was like in the 40's all day, and it was way cold! It is way cold in our flat because the buildings are not built with insulation. They don't have like furnaces either. We hear it up with two little space heaters. I think I am a baby to the cold now. I have acclimated to the warm now. 

Sorry I have not sent pictures.  I will try to get more. Our apartment is very nice!! The only bad thing is it is all tile. Like no carpet at all, so it gets very cold. I will send one today of Elder Dye and I. we seem to be getting along a lot better. We enjoy each others company I think. The only thing I don't like is the music he plays. He really likes sound tracks from movies. 
Glad calvin and Carson headed to youth conference. There aren't any youth activities here. It is so weird. I have only seen like one youth activity since I have been here, and that was in Hospital View. We only have a few youth here in the Secunda Branch. 

Yesterday we only had one investigator come to church. His name is Frans. He moved from Jo-Burg, and he was being taught by missionaries there. He is a really cool guy! He will be baptized this upcoming Sunday. Our other investigators have not been able to make it in a while. It sucks because to be baptized our mission president has the rule that they have to come to church 5 times in 7 Sundays. 

With our branch conference we took the stake presidency out to Emba and showed them the school we want to form a group at. They are going to get the ball rolling on that, so probably within 3 months there will be a group in Emba, and that will help with church attendance. 

That is fun that Calvin has been driving!! Hopefully he doesn't reck!! Haha. I am sure he is excited for a car, will he drive my car?
We do still trade off with the car. They have been cracking down on cars lately. We are only supposed to use our car to drive to our area, and walk in the area. This really sucks. The other missionaries live in an apartment complex about 3 k's from us. I don't know why they don't live in the same flat. 

I am so glad that the reception went well. It sounds like you had a good turn out of people.  That is really nice that so many people asked about me. That makes me feel like I have a lot of people supporting me. 

I am glad Calvin and Carson swimming in summer games.   I really miss it , and I wish I could swim. You will have to tell Calvin and Carson good luck for me. I hope shadowing officiating isn't too boring!! That is cool though that you are getting your USA officiating done. 
 I am still very lazy with working out. I have a bench with quite a bit if weight that I use like 3-4 times a week, and that is all the exercise I am getting. 

I am happy to hear about other missionaries.  Excited for Colton. I have not heard from Levi this week, and hope he is adjusting to mission field ok. 

I am so grateful for all your support. I hope that all continues to go well on that side of the world! I know this work is true. I love you, and hope you have a good week. 


Elder Mitchell Brown

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