south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30, 14 - Week 41

Dear Mom, 

It has mostly been a good week for me also! I am sorry that June is over, and your days are getting shorter! I know this was always a hard time for you. It is nice to have the days getting longer. It had been nice this week neither hot nor cold. I hope it will cool off, or at least rain for you in Cedar.   It sounds like it is very dry with you having no snow. I hope you won't blow away!

It sounds like you had a really fun time at the lake. I am glad you got to go there because I know how much you love the lake. It sounds like it was an adventure with the coach and then the mice. That is funny Calvin was sleeping with the mouse.  I am proud of you getting the boat on the trailer and everything!! I am glad you had a fun time, and hopefully you get to go for another short turn.  You asked about our night sky.  I have noticed the stars a bit, but it is normally pretty bright. I have noticed the southern cross, and it is pretty cool. I miss seeing all the stars at lake Powell. 

That is fun that Ashley got to come down.  Glad you got to do some fun things together.   The weather has been very mild here this week. It has been nice. Normally warm during the day, then it gets dark and cold. It has been nice not wearing a sweater every day. It is very dry here right now.  My shoes get very dirty in township because the dirt roads.  I do polish my shoes every other week. I wipe them down every morning also, just a few minutes waking in the dirt destroys them though! Ha Ha

I am over my cold and I am glad to be healthy now, it makes things much easier. I got over it very quick with vitamins, and I have been trying to take them every day. 
I have started to enjoy walking around a lot now. I think it is helping me stay in shape when I don't work out much. It is hard some days, but normally not. It is quit easy to talk to people on the streets now. We don't always just talk about the gospel. We joke and have fun with a lot of people we see, especially the little kids! 
It is very true that Satan is the one that makes us fear. I have seen really that I have no fear when the spirit is with me. 

 It is a lot easier to stay positive. There are some days that are very hard, but as long as I remember why I am here it makes it much easier. I have been able to stay pretty positive lately. 

Tell Calvin thanks. That is awesome he detailed my car!! I am glad to hear someone is taking care of it!! 

It does seem like just yesterday I was preparing to leave. The time really had gone quick. As missionaries the days feel like weeks, and the weeks like days. The only time that time drags on is individual days. 

Teaching went pretty well this week. Emba is really picking up with investigators, and Evander is slowing down a lot. We taught 11 lessons this week, so not a ton, but not too bad. I have told you about Kalvin and Lindo that were supposed to be baptized. They are both not really going anywhere right now. That is pretty frustrating. We have started teaching a lot of new investigators. We are still kind of weeding them out to see if any will be promising. That is a big part of missionary work. One of our most promising investigators is Lorraine. She lives in Evander. We have taught her a lot, and she is reading the Book of Mormon. The only problem is church attendance. She still hasn't come to church once. I will let you know next week what promising investigators I have. 

Frans did make it this Sunday, and he was given the Holy Ghost. He is suck an awesome guy. He had already been coming out teaching with us, which is awesome because it is very rare to have member present lessons. 

I am also very excited to meet the Dunn's tomorrow.(new President)  I will share with them how much you enjoyed the performance by Steven sharp nelson. I will ask them how they got him to come. Im sure they will remember you mom.

Dad did send me the video, so tell him thank you. I am very grateful for the pictures. I have even been printing some off to put on my wall. I enjoy pictures, and they don't make me miss home too much. I am sure you worry about me a lot. I am very grateful for this in a way because it shows how much you love me. I am so grateful I have you to worry about me if anything. I hope that with more time you will not miss me to much. I miss and worry about you quit often. I hope all continues to go well it sounds like everyone is doing great!! Tell the family hello, and I love them. Love you


Elder Mitchell Brown

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