south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, April 21, 2014

Week 31 - April 20, 2014

Dear Mom,

It is nice to hear you are back from California safely. I hope you had a good time, and where able to recover from the past couple weeks of being busy. It is always hard though to go back to normal schedule after being on vacation.  That is good that Ashley went with you. I am guessing Blake had school. I hope all of you had a fun time.  My birthday went great. We actually had to drive to Jo-burg for interviews with President Omer on Saturday. After interviews we went out to eat, and just messed around a bit. Elder Cazier bought me a cake, and we ate it when we got back on Saturday night with Elder Barton and Elder Buchanan. It was very weird to have my birthday because it didn't seem like it was my birthday at all. I had to keep reminding myself. 

Well our trip to the Lion and Rhino park was very fun. We didn't see any Rhino's, so that was a bit disappointing. So there was an area where we could pay to play with animals, so we paid to play with the lion cubs. I am sure you could hear me in the video that Elder Buchanan put up. Also we drove around and saw other animals, but playing with the lions was the best part. So it was just the four of us form Secunda that went. Me Elder Cazier, Elder Barton, and Elder Buchanan. I took lots of pictures, and I will even try to send you some today. 

We did some fun things in Jo-burg, but nothing too big. The lion park was kind of my birthday I think. Well I actually bought myself an iPod, so I did buy something. You will have to tell Toni and her girls, and Greg thank you! I will email you and them and let you know when it gets here. I really enjoyed the messages, and I have listened to them a few times. I will maybe try to record something and send it back, but I don't know if it will happen. 

We went to the temple last Friday, so like a week and a half ago. That was great.  I do see the zone leaders often though. I am informed by the office though when I receive packages. I know Elder Barton took a lot of pictures as we were driving, so I will copy some of his pictures. Mostly the land just has grass, and lately there have been some wild flowers. 
 I am glad you were able to see DJ before he left on mission

I think I will be able to skype on mother’s day, and that is what I was planning on. I really don't know what to tell you on times. I am really free to do it any time of the day as long as we make plans so I can make myself free. It sounds like you have some good idea's, so you let me know whatever works best for you, especially with traveling that same day up to see Levi farewell.   It would be nice to see everyone, but if not I can skype people separate.  Just let me know so we can make a plan. There aren't too many guidelines from mission president, so whenever we want. That is coming pretty quick, and I didn't realize. I look forward to seeing you then.

 I am still able to look at the pictures you put in the dropbox. It is fun to still look at pictures. I will try to put some up if I can today. Well that is fun to people watch, I do that a lot here, especially as a missionary.

 I am enjoying Elder Cazier a lot. I feel like I have learned the new area pretty well. Transfers is in one week from tomorrow, and it is possible that Elder Cazier could leave. I feel a bit nervous, but I guess we will see. I am able to understand people a lot better now, and it is nice. I do not struggle like I used to when communicating.  

Well thank you for all your love and support. I am so glad that I have a wonderful mother that will send me an email every week that encourages and uplifts me. I am so grateful for you, and for the many things you do for me. I am sending a letter today that has more details. I will try to send another with more details about everyday things. I know you don't know a lot about my circumstances, or what is happening, but know I am being watched over. I am sorry I haven't given you more details, but I will try to do better. Know I love you, and I love hearing about everything you tell me in your emails. 
 I am really enjoying what I am doing, and I have a testimony of this work. I know it is the Lord work. I love you, and pray for you everyday. 


Elder Mitchell York Brown

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