south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April15, 2014- Week 30

Dear Mom,

It sounds like you had a good time in Hawaii, but it sounds like it was a quick trip. I am sorry about the time difference, and the tiredness from traveling.  Well that is too bad that Randall crashed his truck. 
It sounds like it was a hectic week. I hope you can relax and recoup while in California this next week.  I am glad that you are over the flu, and hope that no one else gets sick. 

Well this week has been a good one, but a bit different. We worked hard, but didn't work many days it seemed. We had to drive into a lot of things this week.
Last Monday we drove to a Zone activity in Springs, which is like 70 Kilometers away from Secunda. Then on Friday we went to the temple, which was nice, but we drove to Jo-burg which is like 180 kilometers. It was a lot of driving, and somehow I ended up doing most of it. Then on Saturday we almost drove to Jo-burg again because the other missionaries here lost there phone, and needed a new one. We ended up not going, and we went today. That is why we went to the Lion park today also. So it was a very busy week it seemed, even though we didn't get a lot done in missionary work. I am still really enjoying the work, and I love teaching people the gospel. I love to see the gospel begin to work in peoples lives. We have some really good investigators.
I have been pretty healthy I think. This past week I have had a weird headache a few days, but drinking water and taking medicine has helped. I can for sure tell that moving and new things have affected me, but i think I am adjusted now. I have been in new area now for 4 weeks. I have been trying to eat healthy, but have not been good at exercise. I really miss swimming. I have noticed I am gaining a little weight, bad, bad. 

The weather is nice. It has been getting cooler a bit. There is no one where I have served that has an AC. It is really weird to me, but oh well. It is supposed to start getting colder. I have been enjoying the weather the way it is, it has cooled down a bit, and it hasn't been too hot. 

You asked if we have a Chapel  in Secunda.  We do have a chapel. It is very small, but it is a chapel. Our branch is really far away from other wards in our stake. It is about 70 kilometers to the next town. Like cedar to St. George I would say. I will have to send a picture of the building from out front. 

That is really cool to hear about those leaving on there missions. Excited about Colton and D.J.   I don't know much about getting a new mission president. That would be really neat if you could go meet the new president and his wife,  at their farewell  before they came here. So the Hilliams that you knew from dental school did go home at our last transfer. They left early because Elder Hilliam had to get surgery on his back. It was sad to have them leave because they were so nice to me because they knew you. 

I can get on, but it takes time from emailing. Also to watch the video it will use a lot of the internet data. I will try and watch it anyways though because it sounds really cool. I am really looking forward to conference in a couple weeks.  That is a really cool picture!!! That kid standing up is Elder Loe, he is my zone leader right now!!

When I saw zone leaders I received 3 letters from you, and a package. I think these are the letters that I was missing. I really appreciate them, and I am so glad that you continue to send letters each week. I also got a package, and not sure if it was my birthday one? It had the recorded messages in it, and a rain jacket. I really really enjoyed the recorded messages, and I am so glad that you had that idea to do that. I really enjoyed listening to all the messages.

Well I am pretty well adjusted to the new area. It isn't too new anymore now that I have been here for 4 weeks. Well like I said before I work in two different areas. One is town, and the other is township. In the township there are homes and shacks. In the town it is only homes. It isn't much of a small town, but just in the middle of nowhere. It does feel a bit smaller than Kempton and Tembisa, but still kind of the same feel. 

That is really cool that Uncle Evan is building in Cedar. I am exciting for Evan, and hope things will get rolling quick on there home. You will have to keep me updated on there situation. 

On a  typical day we get up and study, and then get ready for the area. We leave at around 11 and pick up the other guys. If we are in Evander we are walking, so the other guys take the car for the day. We are in Evander(the town) on Wednesdays, Saturday, and Sunday. We use the car when we are in Emba(the township) so we don't get mugged I guess. We still do a lot of walking when we have the car. Well we have a lot of good investigators, but we have a huge problem getting them to come to church. We have one investigator that is always at church, and she is the sister of one of our good members. The member lives in Emba, and her name is sister Irene. She is really awesome, and we teach people at her house. I will write a more detailed letter about our investigators. 

Elder Cazier, my companion is from Utah I think, but he lived a lot of different places with his father being in the air force. His dad is in international affairs of something like that right now. His family is still in Germany right now. 

I  just told Elder Cazier about what you said, and he said he will take me for a birthday dinner and promises to sing Happy Birthday.

I email Remi every week, and he is doing great. I heard that A is back into bad things, and he got arrested this past week. I think it is because he had been hanging around with bad kids like Josh Brown. It really made me sad to hear about him. 

Well this week has been great for me. I have been working really hard. I told dad that is was a really busy week because we did a lot of traveling. I am really enjoying Elder Cazier and have loved working with him. I am really enjoying missionary work.

There is some Easter stuff around, so i will buy myself some just for you! Not sure I will have an Easter Egg hunt.  I love you, and I am so happy that you are my mom. I will have a wonderful birthday week especially because I know you and the rest of the family are back home supporting me. I love you

Your son

Elder Mitchell Brown

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