south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, October 27, 2014

Week 58 - Oct. 27, 14

Dear Mom and Dad,

Well it has been a good week for me. Just the same old going on here. I always feel bad that my emails are boring and I have nothing new to tell you. It just seems as if I am doing the same thing every day. The teaching is still going super well.
I really enjoyed conference this past weekend. I finally got to watch it. There were some amazing talks, and some great tips. I really liked the talks on Joseph Smith as well. I always look forward to watching conference. I guess it was a long day. WE watched 3 sessions straight.

I guess with transfer I am doing well, and have adjusted well to my new companion. He is really funny, and I like him a lot. Elder Zebe that got transferred is doing well. He is around 2 other missionaries that will be going home the same time as him, and so he is enjoying that. He also has an alright companion.

I guess the big thing that happened this week was I baked the cake!! I found all the ingredients successfully, and it turned out great. It took me a couple hours to do, but it was all good. The member that I took it to loved it. We had a mini birthday party at their house on Wednesday Night. They said it was the best cake they had every had, and they even took it to like there friends and family, so thanks. I got some good pictures that I will send later. I cooked two rectangle pieces in two casserole dishes, and it worked good

The area is doing well. I guess the constant battle with missionary work is trying to find new people to teach. We really need new people to teach, so that is our goal this week. We have some good investigators as well that are progressing towards baptism. Our best investigator right now is named Mbali. She is a great women. She is so excited to be baptized, and she is especially excited to receive the Holy Ghost. She was a referral from one of the members. Referrals are always the best people to teach.

There are 6 other people we have scheduled to be baptized through November and December. I'm not sure if some of them will make it or not. The two friends we teach together Kgaugelo and Manthole I'm a bit worried about. I am not really sure they have testimonies yet, so they might be pushed back to December. Manthole also told me that some of his old friends came over, and they drank, so that is also another set back. The word of wisdom and the law of chastity are things people struggle a lot with here. But it is mostly because they are raised thinking these things are right.

Well thinking of Christmas stuff when Elder Zebe leaves the end of November i am going to buy some of his stuff. Like a blender and speakers.  I think this can count as my Christmas, and then I will buy a suit in like February. I really don't think you need to send a package, and if  you do just send a little one.

Well I am still really enjoying mission. It is a really fun time of my life, and I always try to be positive. There are definitely days when I just want to be home, but then I am comforted. I know I am growing and becoming better, and overcoming my weaknesses.

Your Son

Elder Brown

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