south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mitchell Arrives

Our home overlooking the Airport and I just watched the plane take off that Mitchell left on two days ago headed for South Africa. Tears came to my eyes, as I was still not sure if he had arrived. I really thought I would have an email when I woke up this morning. Then as if my prayers were instantly answered the email came and my phone chimed. I was so happy to hear the group that left on Tuesday 9/17 where at the MTC. Mitchell had lost his luggage but thank goodness we had watched the videos on packing and he has what he needs to survive. He took two bags and we split his belongings 50/50 so he will get one bag later today he thinks and hopefully the other one soon after. He has a change of clothes in his carry on bag so he is fine. Elder Mitchell Brown said all the elders where great to travel with(27 meet up in London) and he appreciated having others to lean on. He did not sleep much so really tired and said it was a long drive from airport to MTC and they had kept the elders busy with paperwork, and they had not even showered. The happy thing is he can go to bed in three to four hours.(JO Burg 8 hours ahead of us) Appreciate all your support and prayers.  Mitchell said his prep day is Thursday in the MTC so hope to hear from him again in a week.

 Day of arrive to Johannesburg South Africa MTC
Dragging our Luggage, except Mitchell who had his luggage lost.
Looking pretty good after 42 hours in travel
First Day in Class - JoBurg MTC

1 comment:

  1. Leah, Thanks so much for the update. We are so sorry we missed all your happenings. I don't know if we told you we went to SLC for Brandon's son's Court of Honor. We love you guys and I have this post on my favorties and will check it everyday. Thanks for involving us all in his journey.
