south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Sunday, September 29, 2013

MTC Choir - September 29,13

Today the MTC choir performed in three sacrament meetings.  Sister Reber sent us the following pictures.  It is fun to see Mitchell.  Sister Reber said they sounded wonderful and looked amazing.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

THEN AND NOW -Elder Brown

The MTC President and his wife are amazing people.  Sister Reber the Presidents wife has kept us connected to our elder by sending many photos, and communicating with us by email.  She is doing a presentation to the elders as they leave the MTC on Monday. She asked for a photo of our missionary before they left on mission doing an activity they enjoyed.  We sent a couple of pictures of Mitchell and this is the photo Sister Reber picked.  We think she did an awesome job of getting the corresponding picture of Elder Brown with his scriptures.

Mitchell MTC Group

Friday, September 27, 2013

Johannesburg Temple - WEEK 1

Elder Brown Week 1

Mitchell sent his first email from the MTC on 9/26/13
He answered all the questions we were worried about in his 
travel and getting adjusted to mission life.
He got his luggage a few days after arriving, he said 
the food is good and he has slept well.  He likes his
companion and gets along with him, and really
 enjoys the other elders in his zone.  The days are long 
and sometimes boring he said, but he is learning a lot. 
 It took him a few days to catch up on sleep and get
 over jet lag.  He caught a cold but feeling well now.  
They went to Johannesburg temple and he said it was awsome. 
Two native elders went through the temple for the first time.  
Mitchell will leave the MTC on Tuesday October 1.  
His p-day will then be Monday so we will not hear 
from him until the following week.  He sounds 
and looks happy in these pictures.  
Appreciate Sister Reber the MTC presidents 
wife for emailing us picture.

Elders visit the Johannesburg Temple

Mitchell peeking out at the end

Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Sunday, September 22, 2013

JO Burg MTC - Snacks at night.

Every night after class ends at 9:00, the Elders have snacks.  They can make a
quesedilla, peanut and butter sandwich, grilled cheese sandwich, or have bread
and butter. 

Sister Reber the MTC presidents wife is so good to keep us informed on what elders doing and send pictures. 

Mitchell in lower left corner sitting down.
Looks like he is enjoying milk, 
but not sure he wants
his picture taken. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Mitchell Arrives

Our home overlooking the Airport and I just watched the plane take off that Mitchell left on two days ago headed for South Africa. Tears came to my eyes, as I was still not sure if he had arrived. I really thought I would have an email when I woke up this morning. Then as if my prayers were instantly answered the email came and my phone chimed. I was so happy to hear the group that left on Tuesday 9/17 where at the MTC. Mitchell had lost his luggage but thank goodness we had watched the videos on packing and he has what he needs to survive. He took two bags and we split his belongings 50/50 so he will get one bag later today he thinks and hopefully the other one soon after. He has a change of clothes in his carry on bag so he is fine. Elder Mitchell Brown said all the elders where great to travel with(27 meet up in London) and he appreciated having others to lean on. He did not sleep much so really tired and said it was a long drive from airport to MTC and they had kept the elders busy with paperwork, and they had not even showered. The happy thing is he can go to bed in three to four hours.(JO Burg 8 hours ahead of us) Appreciate all your support and prayers.  Mitchell said his prep day is Thursday in the MTC so hope to hear from him again in a week.

 Day of arrive to Johannesburg South Africa MTC
Dragging our Luggage, except Mitchell who had his luggage lost.
Looking pretty good after 42 hours in travel
First Day in Class - JoBurg MTC

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day of Departure

Mitchell - day before departure

Cedar City Airport on Tuesday Sept. 17, 2013

Mitchell Departed at 9:30a.m. to Salt Lake City.  On the same day he departed Salt Lake Airport for Dallas Texas at 2:05p.m. After a 4 hour layover and meeting up with several other Elders traveling to Johannesburg he departed at 9:25p.m. for London Heathrow Airport.  All night flight of over 9 hours he arrives in London. Excited to get a call from him on Wednesday Sept. 18 from London. 

  He left for Johannesburg at 9:20 London time and will arrive at 9:05 a.m. on Sept.18.Hope he survives the almost 42 hours of travel. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Getting Ready

We are counting down till Mitchell leaves us for Africa.  His official day to report to the mission is September 19th, but due to the extended amount of travel time, he is flying out of Cedar on September 17th.

Mitchell's "speaking opportunity" will be held on Sunday September 15th at 9:00 am at the Mesa Hills Ward, 1840 W 370 S.  We invite any family or friends who would like to attend.  Warning: be on time.  Seriously, there is no "Mormon standard time."

We will also be having a small reception/party that evening from 4:00 to 6:00pm at 384 S Carmel Ridge Circle.  Light food and snacks (seriously, it's going to be delicious).  We would love to see anyone who would like to party with Mitchell!

In other news, we're working on getting this blog up and running.  We'll be posting general updates, letters from the Elder, as well as recent addresses.  We're sure going to miss our Mitchell, and maybe a few of you will too.  We'll try to keep you guys in the loop!