south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, August 3, 2015

August 2,15 - Final Email

Dear Mom,

It has been a very surreal week indeed. To be honest it still doesn't seem like I am coming home. It just seems like I am approaching another transfer. It seems like my mission will never end. Non the less I am so grateful to be returning home in a few days. I am eternally grateful for the experiences I have had over the last two years! I have learned so much, and have grown a lot. I don't see a lot of that growth now, but I think as I return home I will see much more of it. I am sad to be leaving so much behind here. I have met so many wonderful people that I am going to miss dearly. I know I will keep in contact with them, and we will stay together in the gospel. My testimony has grown so much, and I am just so grateful for this wonderful restored gospel. I just pray that I can stay strong in the gospel. 

It is so weird that this is my last email.  I am also having mixed emotions about coming home. I think for the most part I am very happy and just excited to see you especially, and the rest of the family. I am just relieved though to be done with my mission. It has been a hard two years, and I have learned so much. I am just so grateful for the gospel and all I have learned. I have really seen how living the gospel can bless me, and also others. It has been a blessing to see the gospel effect others.  I am sure I will be emotional returning home, so don't judge me if I cry like a baby ;)

 I will spend the night at the mission home. We will go there tonight and have dinner and stuff with the President and Sister Dunn. 

 So today I will just finishing packing, because I am already mostly done. We are then going to the restaurant Carnivore to eat some exotic meat. We have to be to the mission office at 4 pm today with our bags. We are then being transported to the mission home. Tomorrow morning we will go meet with the new missionaries from MTC , then begin our transfer meeting which starts at 10:30. I really don't know the plan for Tuesday afternoon.   I know we might go to the apartheid museum with the Dunn's. I think you probably know more about that from looking at Sister Dunn’s  blog. We will be doing the same thing the other departing missionaries have been doing. We will then be dropped off at the airport on Tuesday night probably a few hours before the flight. We leave Jo-burg at 7:20p.m. and as you said that will be 11:20 am for you . 

It has been a good week. I guess there has been a lot of tying up loose ends. I have really just been trying to focus on missionary work as it was my last week as a full time missionary. We are still teaching a lot of investigators. I had my final interview with President Dunn on Friday, so I missed my last District meeting. It was a great interview, and he just gave me great council and advice about returning home. I am so grateful for him and Sister Dunn. They have been such a great support to me, and really just a great example I want to follow. 

I don't really know what else to tell you. WE are only staying for a short time at the internet cafe today.  I will tell you more about the week when I see you on Wednesday. It has just been a bit sad to say goodbye to people, but I know I will try not to loose contact with them. I am so excited to see you in a few days time. I pray that you will be kept safe and well until I return home. I love you and I am so grateful for all you do for me. 

Your son

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