south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27, 2015

Dear Mom, 

Time is really hard to comprehend.  I feel so confused and almost feel I am living in a dream as I look back over events in my life and have a feeling that it was just yesterday.  It is crazy to look back on school and feel like it was just a few months ago! It doesn’t feel like I have been out for 191/2 months, with only 3 to go! I can't believe it has gone so fast. At the same time it has gone pretty slow. A mission is not easy, and I don’t blame you for counting down.  I guess the important thing is just not to always be focusing on that- counting down.  I know if I did, it would make me super home sick! I can't believe that I am now down to 100 days!!! I know I need to keep working hard, and appreciate this time I have as a missionary. I will never be able to do this again, or be in this situation again. President didn't really tell me much in my interview about area's or anything. I guess from what I have seen on mission I will probably be going to another area, before coming home.  The question is will I stay here in Randburg for another transfer, and then to my last area for my last transfer. I guess only time can tell.
 I am loving my area! I especially love the members here! We don't have a lot of people to teach, but we have been working pretty hard the last few weeks planting seeds, and we can see a lot of potential coming, so the area should be picking up soon. I would like to stay to see it happen, but I don't know. Elder Jackson is a fun companion, and he likes to work hard which is good! 

I will still be here in Randburg on Mother's Day. The transfer ends on the 12th of May. We have kind of started to make plans for skyping! We have a few members that have internet and computers that have offered for us to come to there homes. We will try to start finalizing plans for that probably this next week. I think that time will work great - 8 to 11 am for you! 

I can not believe it is  Finals week at SUU and that school will be ending! I have now missed two school years! Again comprehending time is hard, it has zoomed by.   I am glad that Randall and Katrina were able to find a place, and to get all there things packed into a truck. I am sure that will be fun to have them sleep over for a few days, and to have them around. You will have to tell Katrina congrats for me on the Graduation. I hope that Blake can make it through finals ok. I know he has had some hard classes!! 

Baptism went great on Sunday!!! Elder Jackson baptized Welhemina, and I baptized Esther. The program and everything went great!  We had some good members participate in the program! It is nice to have a good ward that we can rely on. All the baptism's I have had previously in township, we as the missionaries were responsible for doing everything!!  They will make some great members!! I hope they can continue to make good relationships with the members. I think it is a bit difficult with a lot of the members being white in this ward! On a more spiritual note it was very fantastic. It is always very special to be able to baptize someone, and exercise the Priesthood. I always get a bit nervous when baptizing someone, but it ran very smooth. I could feel the spirit very strong, and it was a wonderful experience. I guess it was a bit funny on Elder Jacksons side! He was nervous to baptize Welhemina because she is a bit bigger. When he baptized her she just basically fell over in the water, and started squirming haha!! She thought she was going to drown! But she didn't, and it went fine. 

Thanks for asking about my clothes.  I am doing alright with clothes. My shirts are all good, and I was happy to get the cuff link shirt in your birthday package -  so thank you! I might have to buy a sweater or two for the winter! I have bought a few pairs of pants that I wore in the hot months when we did not wear suit coats.  But really all my clothes are just fine. 

Im sorry I do not have much to report on our teaching, because we really haven't been teaching too much. It has been a good and productive week, but not a lot of lessons. We have been working really hard to find people and plant seeds. It is good because we have seen a lot of potential coming, so I think the next few weeks will be really good with work. Jackie is doing ok. She didn't smoke for 5 days, which is amazing considering she hasn't gone a day in 34 years without it. She did relapse a bit, but she is still doing great. I think she is a bit hard on herself. She is an amazing lady. We always have good spiritual lessons with her. I just feel such a strong spirit within her. I know that Satan is battling against her, and doesn't want her to overcome her challenges. I know that she will be a strong member! She finally came to church this week, which was amazing. She has missed 3 weeks. She was grateful for your emails, and I am too! Thank you for supporting her, and bearing your testimony to her. She always tells me what a strong mother I have, and I just tell here ya I know! 
We found a good place to do some contacting with our banner! We are going to try and do it this week on Wednesday, and I will get pictures! 
When we were scoping out where to do our contacting, we met a Korean guy! He was really cool, and he knew a lot about the church. He was a bit skeptical, but we gave him a Book of Mormon, and invited him to read it. We have really been praying for him to call us, and we really hope he will. We talked to him in the mall for like 25 minutes!
Last Monday Elder Jackson and I went to the Croc Farm on P-Day! It was a crocodile farm, with a bunch of different sized crocs. We got to hold a bunch of stuff! Like a baby croc, a python, and a trianchala!! I got a bunch of pictures, but for some reason they won't upload, so I will try again next week. 
I guess we have really just been trying to work with members still, because that is all we can do in this area. We are praying that we will start to get some good referrals in the coming weeks. I am constantly having spiritual experiences. Like being guided to certain situations. I know that nothing is a coincidence, or an accident.  I know we are guided and it is not just by chance that things happen.   The Lord really is in every aspect of our work! It is great to be serving him, and to know that I am doing his work, and that he will constantly be guiding us if we rely on him. I hope you have a good week, and know I love you!


Your son
Elder Brown

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