south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015

Dear Mom,

It has been a pretty good week!! I guess the big thing coming up is transfers tomorrow. I am so glad to hear your week has been nice. It sounds like some fun things have been planned for this spring break weekend. I hope that you have fun, and I am sure i will hear the report about it next week. 

You asked about my running and my sore legs.  My shins have been doing great. Just like you said I have been stretching them really good before and after running, even icing them to keep inflammation down. I have also been taking Ibuprofen. We haven't ran  as much this week, so really they haven't bothered me at all! I will keep you updated on them if they get any worse! 

Im sorry boys not playing water polo and I am sorry if you are missing that this spring.  Thanks - You where good to always transport the boys to all the tournaments.   I think I have told you but water polo is a big thing here among the white's! I had no idea until I came to this area!

My allergies are doing great! It is i guess autumn time here now. I have noticed them every once and a while, but really no problems. I still have Claratin D if I need it! I am sorry yours allergies have been so bad!  It really sounds like it has turned into spring there!! Putting the water into the cabin and the sprinklers, and all the blossoms. I hope that it doesn't snow again and just kill everything! I guess it is nice though for the Easter Weekend. People can get out and do fun things outdoors!

The plans for General conference are just like they have been before. We will watch a recording the following week. Watching it live we would have to be up late at night! But I am looking forward to conference! It is always nice to hear the words of the Apostles and Prophet. I guess something we will be doing this week with the work is an Easter Blitz. Mission wide we will be doing an Easter week of finding. We will be using the video “Because He lives” and the pass along cards that go with it. We will use the leverage of Easter to share more about Christ, and how he lives! Should be fun – wonderful message to share. 

I am glad that you finally got my letter!! It was dated back in January, but know I didn't send it until February. It got left in the car, and it was already sealed, or I would have thrown in another letter. So it didn't take as long as you thought.  I have not gotten any of your letters yet!! I don't know why not, but I am sure they will get here eventually. I am pretty sure the mail strike is over from what I have heard! I am sure I will get your package in a few weeks time before my birthday!! 

I am glad Sister Pienaar emailed you and sent some pictures. Her name is also Jackie, and she is a really good friend to Jackie Chabour our investigator. She has two boys on missions. One just left in January, and he is serving in Salt Lake. She is an awesome lady, and she has been great support to Jackie or investigator. 

We have been pretty busy this week. We are still teaching our normal investigators. Wilahmina and Ester are doing great! They are progressing, and they are ready for baptism. The only bad thing is they are leaving for two weeks for Easter. They won't be back until the 12th of April. They were supposed to be baptized on the 19th, but we won't have time to teach them everything. We have to teach all five lessons before baptism, and we still have to finish parts of lesson four and five! So they will be baptized the 26th instead! WE are just fishing teaching the commandments, and the laws and ordinances. 
Jackie is doing great!! We have taught her everything, so now it is just the smoking. We have started the church ARP(addiction recovery program) with her. She has done it before, but more specifically for alcohol. I think this will be great for her!! We want her to be clean from smoking for about a month before baptism, so her baptism might be in May! She is pretty sad about Elder Peterson leaving. But she will keep moving forward! 
We still have been doing service for Jackie at her tuck shop. I but on some pictures of the tuck shop today! I hope you can look at those! Also other service this week, we helped a member move into there house! He was moving from another ward, so we went and helped unpack all the trucks and trailer. I guess we are still looking for service opportunities. 
WE are teaching a few other people. I guess anther good one is Precilla and her son Orabile. They are pretty good. We had a really good lesson about the Restoration this week! We also introduced the Book of Mormon. I guess something here when we teach the restoration people believe it, but they don't realize that when they believe the restoration that it means there church isn't true. So i guess sometimes we just have to be strait forward and tell them this is the only true church, and you need to come if you believe in the Restoration. So I guess we are now at that point with them. 
One thing hard is the Easter Holiday. A lot of our investigators are leaving!

Elder Peterson will be leaving, and I will stay here in Randburg and get a new companion. I don't know yet who my new companion will be, but I will know tomorrow at our transfer meeting!! I am pretty excited for transfers. Elder Peterson has been a great companion, and i have learned good things with him.  I hope that I get a good companion I can get a long with well. I will let you know about the new companion next week!

We have done well this week. Peterson really has been a good companion to tolerate me, and we really have bonded in a way. We went to dinner on Saturday night in Sandton City, just as his Last Supper! We went to a place called Wangtie. It was really good, and super fancy!! It is on Mandela square, and you look out on the square from the restaurant!! 

 I guess there are a lot of cool buildings I have seen. I have seen the doughnut shaped, or prigle shaped soccer dome. It is called the FNB stadium. It is actually right by the huge township of Soweto. It is in a pretty sketchy area!! I want to visit it sometime and get pictures inside! I lot of missionaries go there to tour. They actually just had a One Direction Concert there this past weekend! 

I will have to take a look on the dropbox for pictures. Thanks for the pictures, they are always fun. I will look forward to the pictures next week of spring break. I love you and hope you have a great week. I know what I am doing is right and that the church is true.  Grateful for my testimony.  

Your Son

Elder Brown

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