south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 57 - October 20,14

Dear Mom,

Thank you for the cake recipe. I hope that I can find a lot of that stuff here.  I am worried about the heavy cream, and chocolate chips. If I can't make it I will just have to buy a box cake, but I will try to find the stuff.  I am make a cake for a member on Tuesday. 

It sounds like your week has been wonderful.  We are in a bit of a hurry today so sorry if short letter.  

I guess the big news is Elder Zebe got  Transferred. .We were both upset and sad because transfer day was his birthday. I was looking forward to spending his last six weeks with him. So I now have a new companion, and his name is Elder Maraetefau. He is from French Polynesia, or Tahiti. He is a super fun kid, and he laughs a lot. We have a lot of fun together, so that is good. I just still don't have the connection I had with Elder Zebe. My new comp has been out for 5 months, and his English is still pretty bad. Back home he mostly spoke French. He didn't speak any English when he came, so He is doing great. The language barrier is a bit rough. I will try to get you some pictures of him. 

The reason we are in a hurry today is because I am going to meet up with Elder Zebe  for our p-day and say goodbye and still to go get him an African gown. I might get one too, so we will see. 

You will have to tell Blake congrats on the deer. That is awesome that he got one so fast. I am also excited to see the picture of Brent’s moose. That is an awesome hunt. I am sure they were super happy to draw out for that. 

I am sure holidays and family outing are super hard for you. But I know when I do anything that is like home that is what makes me miss home the most, so I am sure it is really hard for you always doing the same things that we did as I was there. I hope that it keeps getting easier for you. 

 I have also heard rumors that the postal strike is over. I have not yet gotten any letters or package, but I will let you know next week if anything shows up. I am sure I will get most of it. I am not sure if you should send the Christmas package yet. But I will start looking at things I can just buy for my Christmas. 

You asked if I will be assigned as a trainer.  I am not sure if I will be assigned to be a trainer again. I also could be assigned to be a District leader some time, but I am not really wanting to do either of these things. I just want to stay as a normal missionary. It is better not having that extra stress, but if it comes I will accept it. We lost a few other cool elders in our district.  In Vosloorus 1 Elder Thompson got Transferred with Elder Zebe. He is cousins with the David Terry family.  But now the zone seems pretty boring. Not really any missionaries I know really well.   

Good to hear about Levi. I haven't hear from him in a long time. I hope he is enjoying his mission more now than at the first. It gets a lot easier as the time goes on. I still find that as I enter a new transfer, that every time it gets easier to adjust to new area and companion.

This week was a bit hectic with the transfers.  We did teach some good lessons the rest of the week though. We are still helping Kgaugelo and Manthole prepare for baptism. We see them like 2-3 times a week. At least Kgaugelo will be baptized on the 9th of November. Manthole might be pushed back. We also have Mbali that will be baptized on the 9th. She was a referral from one of our good members that we call Mama Dekobe. She is super prepared, and she excited to be baptized. She is probably our best investigator. She was taught here, then moved to Cape Town and continued with lessons there, and now she is back and we are teaching here. I am still trying to learn the area , so I hope I can learn the area quick with a new companion. 

I hope that you have a fun time at Bryce, and have a good time riding the dunes. Elder Zebe and I have been making salsa. You will have to send me your recipe. We haven't been using fresh ingredients though, we have been using caned tomatoes. 

Well I have been doing well, and it is always good to hear everything is going well back home. I am so glad you keep me informed, and I am grateful for all the support. I love you and I hope you can continue to find comfort. Have a good week. 
My testimony has definitely been growing. It grows every day as I have to testify what I believe. Re-reading the Book of Mormon is really awesome. It is helping me to just remember the simple things. 

Your Son

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