south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21, 14 - Week 44

Dear Mom,

It has been a pretty good week for me. I guess in anticipation of leaving I have been saying goodbye to people. But I am not leaving- I will be staying in Secunda.  I have taught some pretty good lessons as well. We have one new investigator. 

It sounds like it had been a good week for you even though it had been strange. It sounds like you and Carson had a fun week alone. It seems like you have more cello students now?? That is fun that you can just go up and camp at the trailer. I'm proud that you did it without dad. You are a party animal!! That is funny Lucy chases the deer and sheep. I didn't know that Russen was in the ranger when Blake rolled it. Poor dog, that is too bad he is now scared of the truck.

That is fun you got to go to some plays with the girls. (Susie Knight and Julie Lambert) They are fun ladies. I am glad you are able to do things with them. I think you mentioned you were going on a trip, but I forgot where you said. That sounds like it will be a way fun trip!! It seems like dad and you always enjoy trips with them. 

Dad told me quiet a bit about their trip to Dominic Republic.  He sent me all the pictures that he sent you also. It sounds like they had fun, but they were busy. I hope dad wasn't disappointed with how things were done. I am sure it was a bit frustrating to see all the people lined up and the dental students doing slow work. I am glad they are back safe. I hope it was a good experience for Blake, and fun that he got to do some dental work. 

That is pretty cool that Uncle Evans house is coming a long. I am glad that Aunt Carol is able to travel a little bit. I hope that her health will continue to improve. That is fun to hear about Uncle Roberts family. I hope that they can find a rental home or get things started on a home. That is kind if cool that Britney is in China. That is a bit scary though. I hope she had fun teaching English. Let me know if you hear more. 

Hopefully the 24th will be fun. I hope that most of the Brown family will be able to come for a barbecue. That is weird to think the whole brown family is now in cedar. 
I hope your fiddle group works out in the parade.  We are having a braai with some of our members today, so that will be our 24th celebration.  A braai is what they call a barbecue. 

It sounds like Calvin's camp was not too fun. It sounds like they were very strict on a lot of stuff! He couldn't even take candy, or talk to his friends. I guess the mountain biking sounds like it was pretty fun. 

We got transfer news on Saturday nights giving us a bit of a heads up. If you are getting any leadership you get a call from mission president( like training, district leader, and zone leader. ) we don't get told where we are going, or who are companion is until we get to transfers on Tuesday. 

 So elder Dye has been in Secunda for 2 transfers, and I have been here for three. I will be staying here, and Elder dye will be leaving. I will be getting a new companion here in Secunda. I will probably only stay for one more transfer, but maybe I could be surprised again. The reason elder dye is leaving is because he is becoming a zone leader. He will have to move to a zone leader area. I am pretty happy to stay here, but mostly happy to get a new companion.

My suitcases have held up very well. I have only used then like 2 times now. I have only lived in 2 different flats. I have acquired more stuff though. I use crates to transport all my books and other stuff. 

They don't let us email early on transfer weeks ever. It is just on Mondays. So we are transferred on Tuesday, and we still have to wait until the next Monday. 
Elder Barton was in the MTC with me. He is leaving here also, so I am sad that I won't be around him. I have met Brother and Sister Windwards, and they didn't know who I was talking about when I said Kate my cousin. I didn't remember her married name. If I see them again I will ask about Logan. 

 I guess are days are always very similar that is why I don't tell much. It seems like I do the same thing every single day. We study in the mornings. Relax while the other guys are finishing study, because they study for one more hour( because training). We head to the area. If we have appointments it is awesome and the day goes fast. If we don't have appointments the day goes slow and we wander around looking for things to do. We might knock some houses, or bang some gates. We might chill at Fortunes house if we are in Emba. We get fed maybe 2 times a week if we are lucky. Then when it gets dark a lot of times we are done, or the other guys are done, so we end the day because we can't wonder around in the dark. That happens pretty much everyday. 

A big event this week was elder Barton's birthday!! On Friday after district meeting we went and ate at happy hong a Chinese place. I ate some really good chicken and sushi( I spent money from home card). Then that night elder dye and I surprised him with a cake. It was pretty fun I guess. 

Most of our investigators are still about the same. We are still seeing Lorraine, but she has not yet come to church. We had a guy named Thabo come to church yesterday, and that was really exciting. He had been out of town so we haven't been teaching him. We also have only taught him once, so it was really cool he came to church. Other than that it was a pretty boring normal week. 

Well thank you for you email it is always fun to read about your week, and everyone else's activities. Well I love you, and I'm always so grateful for everything you do for me, and especially all you have taught me. I see everyday I am using things you taught me, so thank you. Have a good week, tell Carson Happy Birthday and I will let you know next week who my new companion is. Love you!!

Elder Brown

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