south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014 - Week 35

Dear Mom,

Well this week has gone well. I have done much better this week especially with Elder Dye. We had a good week with teaching, and I think we taught somewhere around 15 lessons. It seemed like a really satisfying week, and I felt like I worked really hard. It is starting to become winter her. It is getting colder in the mornings, and at night. It is really weird because it gets dark at around 5:30, so that really sucks. I know you don't like when it gets dark, and I think it rubbed off on me!!! Being fall/winter there have been a lot of fires. I think I told you this when we Skyped, but there are just huge fields on fire, and no one seems to care. If we did that back home we would be thrown in jail!! it is kind of crazy, and I will try to send more pictures of that. This week I got two packages, and it was awesome. I got the package from Toni, and I really loved it. I really enjoyed the ties you put in there. I have been trying to find skinny ties here, but couldn't, so it was an answer to my prayers or searching. I also got the package you sent, so it came pretty fast! I really enjoyed this package. I thought it would just be a small package with the book and some candy, but I was wrong!! I am so thankful for everything you sent. I loved the recess, and those will take me a while to eat. I also am so grateful for the book, it is really interesting. I love the CTR ring you put in there, and I am have been wearing it since I got the package. I will sent you a picture of me opening the package. Another crazy thing, on Saturday I hit 8 months of being on mission. 

I am glad you enjoyed the pictures that I sent. I will keep trying to send more. We did take another district picture, so I will send that today if I can get it from the other guys because I didn't have my camera. Leohba was not confirmed this week because she had to go back to Zimbabwe for some family stuff, so hopefully she will be back next week. It has now been 3 Sundays since her baptism. 

I have been getting a long really well with Elder Dye, there are just little things that are annoying. I have been trying my best to please him, and I think we are doing better.  I will try to tell you all I know about him. He is the oldest of 6 kids. He has 4 younger brothers, and a baby sister. His sister was born after he left, so he has never met her. His mother has multiple sclerosis, so she is in a wheel chair. He graduated in 2012, so he is a year older than me. He went to Weber for a year, then came on mission in June. He is 2 transfers older than me on mission, so 12 weeks. He is from Idaho Falls, Idaho, I think I said that before. so that is about all I know. 

So Remington ended up going home last week because he is really sick. He has a lot of bad bacteria in his intestines, and his digestive system is pretty messed up. He is home to recover, and see the extent of his sickness, and then he said he will try to go back out. I told him to come and see you, so hopefully he will.  I will keep you updated on him. I have been emailing him every week. I will forward you part of his email. 

It sounds like you are doing a lot of work around the house in preparation for the wedding. I am glad that Calvin and Carson are helping you get the yard all ready. That is really crazy that it is warm already after the big snowstorm last week. Did you get any pictures of the snow? I am glad that Dad finally helped replace the plugs in the kitchen, you have been wanting to do that for a while now. It will be interesting to look at the pictures of the new things you have done. It is weird to think that school is getting out on Friday. I can't believe I was gone basically the whole school year!! 

That is cool that Toni threw a Bridal shower. I am really glad you are getting to know Katrina and her family better. I still think it is really weird because I have not met her still.  Please tell Toni thanks for the package, it was fun. It was fun to have a late birthday –lengthen out the celebration. 

I am glad that Ashley is helping out so much. She is really good at that. That is really cool that she went through the temple and that you will be going through the temple with Katrina. The Manti temple live session is really cool. I don't know if you remember but Marshall and I drove there to go through the live session. 

I am glad that you are still seeing Marshall's family around. That makes me feel good that his dad is staying busy with work, because he has bounced around a lot. I hope his mom is still doing good, I need to email her to see how she is doing. It is Marshall's birthday sometime in June, but not sure when. That would be really nice of you to send him a package for his birthday. 

I am really sorry that you can't use your house boat turn, hopefully you can trade with another family or something so you can still get your two turns in. Calvin has told me about the requirements to swim with Blair. Hopefully he can get the 1:07 in his breaststroke to swim with Blair again. 

Fun to hear about Evan's house and how it is coming along . I hope they can get going fast on the framing and things. That would be really fun to see pictures of them building. I hope that Carol will continue to do well. That is sad to hear about her not doing well. I am sure that will be fun to have them living so close. I really enjoy Evan, maybe because he reminds me a lot of grandpa York. 

I will try to send Levi a quick email before he heads out on Wednesday to MTC.  You will have to let me know more about what is happening with them moving down to Cedar and things also. 

We haven't had too much progress with forming a group in Emba yet. I will let you know what happens there, and if we have any progress. I think it would be great for that to happen because we have so many people in Emba to teach, and none have money for transport to church. I told you a couple things at the first of email. But I have really been enjoying the Henry Lunt book. It is really interesting. I read a couple pages every night, and it is really cool to see how they did things in the old days of the church. Henry was such a great example with all his leadership. It seems like they called him to do everything in the settlement. I have learned a lot from his example, and I am so grateful for my ancestors. 

I miss you a lot too. I do think about home a lot, and sometimes it is hard. I am so glad that I have been out now for "8 months" and that i am past the time of stressing like those leaving soon like Levi. I am so glad I am where I am. I really love the work I am doing, even though it is very hard. I have learned so much, and grown closer to my Heavenly father and Savior. I know I am being watched over, so I hope that gives you comfort hearing it from me. Hope you have a good week.
Your son
Elder Mitchell Brown

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