south africa elephants

south africa elephants

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10, 2014 Week 21

Mom thank you so much for your advice and your support. I think it is very true that I need to have more hope. I will continue to desire a positive outcome and hope that things will turn out for the best. I am getting discouraged, but not too much. I still do have an eternal perspective, and I can see why I am here, and keeping my eyes on those goals.  It is just rough not to have more people to teach.

We as missionaries have been taught a lot exactly what dad taught. For the Holy Ghost to bring things to our remembrance we must first know them.  I know that is why our morning study is such an important time. I know the Lord has blessed me many times with remembrance but also directed me what to say.

The teaching has gone much better this week it seems. Our numbers were still about the same, but I felt much better about the week. We have been teaching Refiwe a lot. She is the one we just baptized. She has been learning so much, and she is eager to learn. She asks so many questions which is great. We have also been meeting this kid names Toni. He is an awesome kid. He is 18, and just a few months older than me. His mom is a less active member, and first we went to reactivate her, but we ended up teaching him. He has been learning a lot, but he is still struggling a bit with keeping commitments. When we go teach him we just hang out a bit and talk, then teach. I think this is great because we get to just be friends with him and have fun. I will keep you updated on him. 

 We have been able to take more time to email lately, so I have not been overwhelmed with trying to read and respond back to everyone.   I am able to respond to pretty much everyone that is emailing me.  I am sorry I have not written and mailed a letter for several weeks, but I will try to write one this week. I think that is a good idea to write a letter during the week because when I get here to email I don't remember many details from the week. 
That is crazy to think that Lance is already getting home. It seems like he just barely left. I am like you, it seems like just a few months ago that Justin and him were speaking together in church. That is sad that Justin just missed the funereal of his Grandma’s. 

Companion Elder Robins is doing awesome. He isn't too green anymore. He has been with me now for 9 weeks, and he has learned so much. We will be together for 5 more weeks. He is leading most of our lessons, and he is doing great at teaching. I think he has learned mostly everything. I also have learned so much. I have learned to deal with hard things. Even just walking around township. I think if you saw where I was walking you would be pretty scared. It is great though because I have also learned to rely on the Lord to watch over me. I think it is very true when I get home I think I will be able to handle trials and hardships, because I will  say “I have lived in Africa for 2 years, and I survived that”. 

The weather this last week has been really nice. We haven't been cooking at least with temperatures in the 90’s.  It has been overcast a lot of days, which has kept it a bit cooler, probably in the high 70's. We haven't got much rain, just a bit on and off. The wet season was in December and the first of January. This is the hot summer months right now. That is sad that Rachael in Wisconsin and Marshall in Illinois  is freezing. I don't even remember what it feels like to be cold. My coat that I have has been great. It hasn't been raining too much so I have been ok. I was thinking of buying another coat like a Columbia waterproof one for like winter when it gets colder.  Don’t send anything until I see what is available here. 

 I did not get my package yet. The mail service is still on strike.  I have heard rumors, just like you talked about that they will burn letters sometimes.   I don't think they burn them to catch up, but just to rebel when they are on strike. I hope they will not burn packages. I hope I can get it this coming week, maybe on Friday, which is Valentines Day.  Thanks for trying to get a Valentines to me and Happy Valentines.

That is awesome about Calvin’s times!!! He emailed me also and let me know his places and times. I forgot that Judge and Wasatch moved to 4A, so that is sweet. I got a letter from Cathy Wallace telling me about Nathan, and how Makai Smith is not swimming the 50, do you know why? It sounds like cedar might do pretty well. I really hope that they can, and like you said they could shake it up if everyone improves. Tell the team, or even Richard I am wishing them good luck, and cheering for them from this side of the world.  Go fast Calvin!

I heard about the new temple video from other missionaries that got to go, and they said that they loved it. I hope when I see it that it doesn't make me homesick. It will be fun to see aspen trees and think of the mountain.  I am glad that you are finding time to go to the temple. I know the temple has given me strength every time that I go. Thank you so much for your love and support. I don't think I could make it through without it. Hang in there, and know I love you.

Your son
Elder Brown

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